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Sunday, March 20, 2011

Stormy Sunday and Letting Go...

Audrey surveys the park and pond on our "Adventure Walk"

It is storming outside at the moment. The thunder and lightening have captivated Audrey, who stands at the window as the rain pelts the other side of the glass. She startles at the loud rumblings and waits for the inevitable flashes that follow, only to lead to more booms. Our little family sleepily stirs on this Sunday morning, with no real goals or ambition today, only to enjoy each other and maybe a trip to the library this afternoon after nap time.

Earlier this week, Audrey and I walked to the neighborhood park. She has started to almost always insist that she walk "like a big kid" rather than be pulled in her red wagon. With the dog secured to a park post via leash, Audrey and I explore the jungle gym, slides, and swings. She keeps a constant eye on the other children, both big and small, observing their behaviors and games.

Audrey and her "walking stick" on our way to the park.

At one point, she asks for assistance onto a platform, that will ultimately lead her to the "big slide". I hoist her up, but before her now stands a curved ladder that leads up to the 8 ft. slide platform. I hold onto her as she climbs steadily up, but soon realize I cannot hold onto her for the final step. Rather than hold her back, I realize that I have to let her go, and make the last step onto the platform without holding onto her. An alternate reality scene flashes through my mind of her slipping and falling, but Audrey doesn't even notice that I've let go, and she easily steps onto the platform, sans daddy.

After a moment, I think she, too, realized that she was out of my reach, and stood up there looking around, savoring her new-found freedom, if only momentary. While she surveyed the landscape, I thought about how many more moments like this there will be: of letting go. I know she is not even three years old yet, but it was a "father moment" for me, and I am still just beginning to understand my role as a parent.

Uh-Oh! It looks like someone got into the marshmallows!

1 comment:

Irene Carney said...

Dear Abel -
Your post raises a vivd memory of just such a moment with Emma. she was a few months older than audrey is now. We were at Water County USA and she was playing on a climbing playground structure that was a bit beyond her ability. She got stuck up a few levels in the interior maze and began to cry. MOther to the rescue - I climbed in and got her, for which she was FURIOUS with me!!! Lesson learned, " I am in trouble" does not mean " I want you to save me" I have tried to remember that ever since! Love to you all - Aunt Irene