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Saturday, August 13, 2011

End of Summer

The days of summer have passed and our family is now entering another transition phase that will ultimately bring us into the fall season. The pressures of returning to education are mounting and will reach a boil at the first in-service next week. While I look forward with much anticipation to another school year, it is always difficult to let go of the comfortable, tensionless, summer schedule shared by Audrey and I over the past couple months.

As football season approaches, our little family looks forward to fall activities and the possibility of preschool in a few months. It is almost absurd to think that Audrey will be 3-years-old next month and she will have a baby sister in three months, also! Plans for Audrey's new room are almost complete, as the painting is done and new carpet arrives next week! All that remains will be to purchase and assemble her new "big girl" bed and dresser. Pictures will be posted when work is complete! Needless to say, Audrey is very excited about this transition, although I am sure there will be times in the future when she questions whether having this little sister was worth the new room!

Kim is doing well with the pregnancy and life is pretty much scooting along at a calm pace, although November will be a radical shift in living and schedules for all of us. While only a few days of summer remain for me, I am very much looking forward to seeing my sister and other family members this week for an Orelove reunion of sorts in Chicago. While summer days sift through our grasp, it is pleasant to think back over summer memories and envision more happy moments in the near future!


This first batch of pictures are of Audrey's 3-year photo shoot yesterday!

(This dress was Kim's at the same age!)

These next couple pictures are from Beth and Mark's wedding celebration in Indianapolis. Audrey danced for roughly five hours! She also slept for two solid days after! Rock on Audrey!

Below are Beth and Mark. Happy Life you two!

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