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Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A new way

As usual it has been too long between posts. I blame technology in part as the power cord to the laptop is shot and I haven't had access to the Internet save my iPhone. As recent events unfold and life races past at an unbelievable rate, I have found myself more and more emailing and communicating through my phone more than anything. This includes video and picture taking, as well. So as life changes, so must this blog. I will attempt to make more frequent updates and picture updates via this blog application. This will allow for more spontaneous pictures and immediate updates. The major drawback will be smaller posts of writing, as the screen size is limited and typing with thumbs and constant spell check is tiring and frustrating.

So with that, I wish you all a blessed new year and I hope that you are all finding peace and contentment in your own ways.

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