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Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween

We are all waiting for the newest little goblin to arrive. It is nice to have my father and sister visiting, although I feel guilty not being able to stray far from the house. The fall is reaching its final stages and will soon yield to the bitterness of winter. Our family cocoons itself within our house and remains warm and content... Waiting patiently on this Halloween morn.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


The days are shorted and the temperature rarely allows for a single layer of clothing anymore. While Mother Nature does her best to distract us with her brilliant fall colors and rich sunsets, it remains difficult to ignore the fact that winter looms just beyond the horizon and possibly within the single turn of a calendar page.

It has been two weeks since running the Chicago Marathon, and I find myself asking the question, "What next?". Obviously the birth of our second daughter and the upcoming holiday seasons will be more than enough to fill my plate. However, the experience of training and anticipation of a single moment or day was life-changing and I crave another goal. I am goal-driven by nature, which explains my continual drive in education, constantly striving towards another benchmark degree. So, it is with this same drive and determination that I open my eyes in search of a new goal or event.

Kim and the baby are healthy and now receiving weekly visits to the doctors' office to ensure proper development and adequate preparation for the birth whenever that child decides to finally enter the world.

Audrey takes everything in stride and is, not surprisingly, in good nature. Her sense of humor astounds me, and she is developing quite the sense for comedic timing...although I don't know where she gets it! ;-)

We continue to laugh, dance, read, draw. Build, and talk about everything. While the chill of fall engulfs our neighborhood, the warmth of our growing family wraps us tightly in contentment in our lives.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Fall Update

Falling leaves, reds, yellows, oranges everywhere. Only a couple weeks until our second child enters the world. Audrey is excited and wonderful. She is such a positive girl and enjoys the challenges of learning and playing. Kim is ready to get the kiddo out and continue to be super mommy.

It is strange not running daily. I am fortunate to not have suffered and injuries beyond soreness and dehydration. In another week, I will begin to run again and maintain a steady training schedule until it snows.

This weekend is about spending time in South Bend with family. I continue to undrestand the importance of family in my life. Whether near or far.

Happy birthday Grandma!!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Chicago Marathon 2011

A great day, with a wonderful return home. The run was superb, and hot at the end. I ran through the beautiful city of Chicago, including 18 red light intersections with police officers watching! Sweat, pain, highs, lows, gatoraide, breathing, gazing, packs of people who have worked just as hard as me to get to today. 1.5 million spectators with signs and love and cheer and energy for us running low. It was a positive day with a beautiful finish that cannot be described other than dreamlike. While my bones and muscles heal, I sit, surrounded by my family, content with an accomplishment that will last the rest of my life. Thank you to everyone for your love and support. I could not have done this without you.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

October happenings

The leaves are changing colors, their final stand before their cyclical release and fall to the earth.

Audrey is our everything, and in less (hopefully) than a month, we will blessed with two little everythings. Kim is amazing and she just astounds me with her beauty and strength.

The marathon is this weekend, and I am excited to be running in the Chicago Marathon, to which I found a ticket. I am excited, nervous, anxious...but above all I feel ready.

On the more microlevel of things, tonight consisted of chalk drawings and prints in the driveway, followed by pumpkin chocolate chip pancakes and mashed potatoes. Now we are mere moments away from a bubble bath, bed books, and nighttime dreams.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Zoo Day

Life is good.