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Sunday, April 29, 2012

Rainy Night Weekend

A quiet, quality weekend in South Bend and Indianapolis for our little family. Time spent with grandma and great grandma is priceless, and it was so nice of them to watch the girls as Kim and I drove to Indianapolis to visit friends and catch a humorous one man comedy performance.

As usual, even an evening away from my kiddos seems an eternity. While a bit of time with friends is wonderful, time with my girls is far and away my favorite way to spend my time.

Now we return home on a cold and rainy evening, still warm from our weekend with grandma. A snack, then the brushing of teeth, and a couple bedtime stories preceded the eventual drifting off to sleep. Now the dryer hums steadily on the other side of the wall, doing its best to refresh clothes still slick damp from the weekend rain. While the juice and chocolate and grass stains have been removed, the memories will remain.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

For the moment...

Wife and Audrey are away on Saturday adventures. The dog is curled at my feet dreaming about whatever makes her happy. Little Violet is asleep at least for a few more minutes

It is so quiet. I lay here, listening to the kitchen clock tick and tock. It is rare, this silence, and I feel blessed to have so much in my life that I am constantly surrounded by activity and children and friends and happenings. But for the moment, I am also thankful for the quiet and all that comes with it.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


On the beach with my wife during the rehearsal dinner.

Kim and I returned from a trip to Kauai to see my best friend, Louis, get married. The entire vacation was beautiful and words will never do it justice. I was happy to simply be somewhere with my wife enjoying life at the moment, and the fact that it was on a scenic island in tropical weather was sheer bliss.

Each day began with fresh pineapple, local coffee, and morning runs. We savored the time and spent it touring the island, taking a catamaran around the west side, shopping for the girls, and enjoying the local grub.

Visiting the historic lighthouse and lookout.

Audrey being beautiful

Sunday morning cutie

Besides the time with my wife, the other truly enjoyable time during this trip was with my friends from childhood. Seeing friends that I have known since the beginning of life had a deep impact on me. While the celebration of my best friend's wedding represented the climax of the trip, it was so special to just spend a few moments with each person and hear about their lives and reconnect, both individually and as a group. There is a power that friendships like this has that overrides our faults and connects the gaps between us that distance and time create or seemingly erode. Without hesitation, we found ourselves blanketed within the folds of laughter, jokes, and boyhood stunts.

Watching the waves roll in on Kauai Beach

Life is pretty good right about now!

Breakfast ritual: morning run, fresh local coffee, fresh pineapple, enjoying it all on the balcony of our condo with a view of the ocean.

My friends.

Highlights, besides the people, included a half-day river kayak and hike to a secluded 140 ft. waterfall. Another day Kim and I took a 5-hour catamaran trip around the west side of the island. While I was extremely sea sick, I still managed to enjoy the absolute beauty of the cliffs and the history of the island, as well. Car trips to the scenic canyons, beaches, and historic lighthouse were in order, as well as a couple trips to Costco. for supplies and of course dining out with various friends and scenic walks along the beach.

Kim at Spouting Horn

Spouting Horn

Just arriving in Kauai!

Violet being Violet.

While the time on Kauai was sweet, the absence of my daughters made my departure a little easier. We returned to Chicago and reunited later that evening at Grandmas. Now we are a couple weeks returned to "reality". While I think I've finally recovered from the jet lag, I don't miss the island or tropical location itself. Granted, Kauai is an island paradise, but the thing that most tugs at my mind and heart is the missing of my friends. I am so blessed with a beautiful family and an amazing wife, and I would not trade my life today for anything. However, a part of me yearns for the "good-ole' days" and the simplicity that unspoken friendships bring, and that level of comfort that is possible within a tight group of guys. Knowing that no matter what, you are part of something that is only possible when in the company of a few specific people. That is special.