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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Family in June

My sister, Eden, is visiting for a couple days from Washington, DC. It is nice to have her as Super Aunt and play with the girls, especially Audrey. I love watching Audrey impress her Aunt by giving tours of her room and spewing every ounce of information she knows about everything.

The summer is in full bloom and the heat finds its way into the mid-90's on a very regular basis. The Midwest sunsets and humid days make for perfect exploration and play time. Eden has joined me for a couple short runs as we discussed the Chicago Marathon we will be running in October. We also has a chance to visit with Uncle Stuart at the Field Museum, which is always nice to explore. As I follow Audrey around the Ancient Egypt exhibit, I cannot help but be reminded of the many times I visited the same things with my own father. be on the other side of the looking glass!

Seeing my sister is a treat and I'm thankful she made time to visit before she begins the next stage in her professional life!

Relaxation is setting in completely and our days revolve around nap time and lunch and the rest is filled with trips to the zoo, children's museum, dog walks, library runs, art/crafts, and the occasional movie.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Smooth Summer Sailing

Just a few updates and pictures. It is currently 92 degrees and the girls are at the swimming pool with grandma. While I am contemplating a heat run, a nap seems more appropriate in such fine summer weather.

I am pleased to inform everyone that both girls are cavity free after their first checkup! Pictured are some snaps of Audrey's first encounter with Dr. Allison at Woodland Family Dental.

Also are pictures of Violet doing her best impression of Sir Elton, a black light pict from the children's museum, and both girls getting ready for their trip to the pool.

Living in the moment is peaceful and satisfying.

Friday, June 8, 2012

River Walk

A day in Naperville, walking along the river, window shopping, and even a book purchase! Ducks, bridges, juice, summer has been an adventure!

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Start of Summer

Naps, walks, play....repeat. Summer has begun.

Days of Summer

The days are beginning to melt together, as the structure of the school year fades and all that remains are my daughters and the open day before us. We revel in our freedom and laugh and sing as we sip chocolate milk and swing at the park. Museums, zoos, trips to the city, art, cartoons, naps, runs, games, treats....all await us in no particular order. We live freely, only stopping to decide what direction to sail next on our ocean of summer infinite. And for now, we say, "Any way the wind blows."

Sunday, June 3, 2012


Today is a calm day. Sunday in our house is a time for resting, a time for cleaning and organizing, and a time to just be and do. Some Sunday days are spent at the zoo, and others are trips to the store and episodes of Scooby Doo.

Today is a dog walking day, and an ice cream treat after cleaning out the fridge. Today will be a clean and mop the floors day right after laundry and dishes are done day. And all that will happen after this nap next to my baby.