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Saturday, June 23, 2012

Family in June

My sister, Eden, is visiting for a couple days from Washington, DC. It is nice to have her as Super Aunt and play with the girls, especially Audrey. I love watching Audrey impress her Aunt by giving tours of her room and spewing every ounce of information she knows about everything.

The summer is in full bloom and the heat finds its way into the mid-90's on a very regular basis. The Midwest sunsets and humid days make for perfect exploration and play time. Eden has joined me for a couple short runs as we discussed the Chicago Marathon we will be running in October. We also has a chance to visit with Uncle Stuart at the Field Museum, which is always nice to explore. As I follow Audrey around the Ancient Egypt exhibit, I cannot help but be reminded of the many times I visited the same things with my own father. be on the other side of the looking glass!

Seeing my sister is a treat and I'm thankful she made time to visit before she begins the next stage in her professional life!

Relaxation is setting in completely and our days revolve around nap time and lunch and the rest is filled with trips to the zoo, children's museum, dog walks, library runs, art/crafts, and the occasional movie.

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