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Sunday, September 30, 2012

Falling Up

Chilly air is met with hot puffs of air each morning as we open our door to these new fall mornings.  Such a morning is treated as a stranger, unfamiliar and with caution.  A slight shock still resounds when the cool morning slides its fingers around my neck and squeezes slightly.


Last weekend was Audrey's 4th birthday.  The cliche' of time flying resonates true, as birthday candles were lit and blown out, presents opened, and smiles distributed freely.  This was a birthday that reminds me why we celebrate our passage into a new year.  The happiness and joy of a child surrounded by family and friends both near and far support the importance of recognizing this cyclical evolution we call "life".  We are truly fortunate to have the love and strength of generations behind us, pushing us forward as a family towards our goals and dreams.

Now, as Autumn truly settles in for a long stay, we begin to blanket ourselves with layers of warm clothing and hats and coats.  The insects are nearly gone, all but a few.  The sun sets sooner, and the stars shine brighter at night outside the aura of the moon.  Sniffles and ear aches present themselves, only to be battled away with issues and chocolate milk and books and naps.

As the leaves turn, and the frost settles into my bones, I find comfort in thoughts of my children and my parents, and my wife.  The wheel of living continues to turn and I am ever grateful to be here with them and their love and grace.


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