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Sunday, November 4, 2012

Falling forward

The family is finding new layers of blankets and warm clothing as the temperature drops a little each day. Summer and days in T-shirts are either a pleasant memory or a whimsical thought for the future. For now, however, we take the extra time to bundle-up and play with our ghosts of hot breath on these new November mornings.

Violet is now a year old. What time has done is a miracle. The two-tooth wonder was born on 11-1-11 and is now a smiling, snorting, exploring super baby. All of our lives have been brightened by her and every day is an adventure.

Like a wave pulling out back to sea after crashing on the shore, there is a feeling of change and new waves of evolution are coming to our family. We are content to simply be and enjoy our daily lives, yet I feel like we are gathering steam towards a new something yet to be defined.

For the moment, though, I sit next to Audrey as the lights dim in the movie theatre. She is munching popcorn contently as the previews roll. I am reminded of my own childhood.

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