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Tuesday, May 14, 2013

A While in Summer

It's been a while since the last post, and the excuses of parenthood and family life and professional responsibilities abound on the tips of my fingers, but the truth that I have been wanting to take a break from the blog is more simple.

I return to typing because I love it and have enough to share. The amount of useless information floating around this world with no real value has been appearing more and more before my eyes, and I am astonished at how quickly it is consumed by people.

I am not without sin, as I do enjoy pointless humor from time to time, but doing away with television nearly a year ago has had a freeing effect on my mind. I no longer find interest in who can make a dress out of wrappers or a "celebrity" who can tango or even the latest undiscovered diner in a little town.

My point is this: I am trying to minimize the information I put into this world to that which is most relevant.

That being said, some of my family visited this week, and it was beautiful to see my step dad and sister and step mom interface with the girls.  It was Grandpa Ted's first encounter with Violet and they were pretty much inseparable throughout the entire visit!

Family is an important part of life, and I need to do more to ensure it remains a focal point moving forward.   Now, out into this beautiful transition into summer that is happening all around us.  

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