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Monday, July 8, 2013

Monday Morning Drips

The coffee is dripping...slowly it seems, as the day begins to unfold on this dreary Monday.  The baby begins to whimper, as she stretches and realizes she is no longer in the land of sweet contentment and dreams that only she can dream.  Her morning milk is ready, though, as are her cheerios and blueberries.

These are the days of summer, now, where there are no plans.  No more trips in the near future, no more events...just the days of summer.  The first couple weeks in June were like this, too...nothing really on the agenda, just to take each moment and make the most of it...or let it drift lazily by.  These are the days where movies turn into marathons if the rain keeps up outside and snacks turn into feasts if left unchecked.

The coffee is ready and the cream cools.  The milk quenches and the cheerios satisfy.  The rain provides us with entertainment, streaking across the window, tapping a catchy beat as the dishwasher does its best to scrub away the morsels of yesterday's meal.  The day has just begun, and yet it feels like it has been going on a lot longer.  These are the days of summer.

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