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Saturday, April 19, 2014

Deep Breath

The kids enjoying a break in the back of the car during a warm afternoon of playing outside!
A saying I like to repeat often is, "Sometimes, the most important time is the space between two deep breaths."  I take a mini "break" by simply taking two deep, slow breaths and savoring the moment in between.  Afterwards, I feel refreshed and able to make my decisions more clearly and efficiently.

Violet and Audrey enjoying the newest gold panning trophy from Uncle Michael.  We now receive an Orelove gold panning trophy every month!
The past two weeks, for the most part, have provided me with that moment to breathe and think.  This is the time of year where our family looks towards the summer, enjoys the spring and all of its outdoor activity options, and contemplates the future a little in terms of our living and goals for the next period of time.

First trip of the season to Brookfield Zoo!
With both my job as an educator and young children, we have very cyclical schedules and lives in general.  From our daily routines of breakfast to brushing teeth, to our yearly traditions involving holidays and our favorite activities, we have managed to develop a very comfortable and rather predictable routine.  It is nice knowing when people arrive and when they go throughout the day.  It is nice knowing what we will be having for dinner or what activities will be presented on the weekend.  Sometimes, though, it is a blessing to simply be and allow ourselves to go any way the wind blows.

Audrey in a gorilla size shirt at Brookfield Zoo.
As my children grow a little older, I am excited to begin exploring larger circles and traveling a bit more.  While Audrey has already been to Alaska twice, I look forward to the time when I can bring the entire family again and take-on some hiking and camping adventures.  Looking towards the future where we can share and build more opportunities to strengthen our family bond and be more inclusive of those most important to our lives.  While I am always encouraging everyone to enjoy the present, there is still something to be said for focusing your eyes on the future for a few minutes every now and then!

Audrey and a flower from her friend, Jack.
As the sun rises a bit earlier each morning and the mercury finds its way a little higher each day, we find ourselves with more and more energy, ready to take-on larger projects and go a little further on our walks and play a while longer outside.  The energy we hold allows us to talk more, laugh more, run more, play more.  So, as spring finally takes hold in our lives, and the plants and animals find their way back to our neighborhood, we, too, begin to blossom again and stretch out in the sun and take a deep breath or two, and take comfort in the space in between.

Violet showing as recent masterpiece!

Phoebe in all of her glory.

First carousel ride of spring at the zoo! 

I have spent a few days this winter working on my baking.  Here is a fresh batch of classic chocolate chip cookies!  


Audrey raspberry fingers!!! 

Violet raspberry fingers!

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