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Sunday, August 3, 2014

A Day Downtown

A quiet last chunk of time.  Tomorrow I start in earnest, returning to school to set-up my classroom, get some curriculum mapping done, and begin sculpting the school year on paper.  This weekend was a brief escape from responsibility, as our awesome cousin, Gail, visited from Indianapolis.  Yesterday we traveled downtown and explored Field Museum, Grant Park, and Millennium Park.  Gail, Audrey, and Kim also had about an hour to rush through the Chicago Art Institute while Violet and I played in the water at Millennium Park and watched people on their way to the giant music fest that is Lollapalooza.

This Sunday morning finds us walking the dog around the block, and then retreating back to the cooler air-conditioned sanctuary that is our house.  Ideas of splash pads and a quick trip to the library are tempting, and may or may not play out depending on the attitudes of little girls who had an exhausting, full day yesterday.  Some cleaning, leftover pizza, and unfinished chapters in my book await me whenever time permits.  It is nice to have these sorts of simple lists, at least for a little while longer before new responsibilities and routines emerge.  

While this was not downtown, this is one of my favorite pictures of the summer:  Audrey holding a turtle we discovered on a walk near the Renwick Bird Preservation this past week.  She was so excited and interested!

Here is Audrey in Michigan, taking a riding lesson on a horse named S'more.  Thank you grandma for the lessons!

Violet riding a rocking horse while Audrey is taking her horse riding lesson.  

At the Field Museum this weekend! 
Cousin Gail visited for the weekend!  The girls absolutely adore her!  

Bushman is one of the exhibits we always see, as it is my father's favorite.  The history of this amazing gorilla is quite astounding, and it gives me satisfaction to share this with my own children.

Violet learning about how powerful the heart of a giraffe must be to pump blood to its brain!  What a neat experience the entire "Biomechanics" exhibit was at the Field Museum. 

Dino head!

One of Audrey's favorite animals, the cheetah.  

Learning about the mechanics of their own bodies!  

Look what Violet dug up!

Audrey and the giant ground sloth!  It is quite amazing what evolution has done throughout time!

Violet getting on the bus to Africa at the Field Museum!

Violet and the water tower faces at Millennium Park in Chicago!  What a treat on a hot day, to be able to play in cool water!  A very positive place with lots of kids! 

Daddy and Violet selfie via "The Bean" in Millennium Park.

The Bean

Family Portrait off of The Bean.

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