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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Apple Day

Today is Audrey's birthday!  We traveled to an apple orchard in Indiana.  It was a very blissfully simple day.  The highlight for me, besides getting to take part in Audrey's big day, was having the chance to talk with my family, who called to wish a happy celebration to Audrey.

Here are some pictures from today, as well as a couple from the past few weeks!  

Audrey and Violet are getting their bikes ready for a trip around the block!

This picture really captures the essence of Violet.  She is wrapped in a blanket, watching a train off in the distance.  She has a fascination with trains, and will not go anywhere without a blanket nearby.  

Audrey is loving school.  Here she is with the word wall we made for her at home.  It will continue to grow as the school year progresses.  It will really help her develop her word skills.  

The rest of the pictures are from today and our trip to the apple orchard!  Enjoy.  Happy birthday kiddo!!!

Audrey and the pumpkins.  Notice the birthday crown!

Violet feeding goats.  

Violet down on the mini farm.  

Violet rocking the tractor!!!

Violet really wanted to drive the bus!  Even on the weekend she is still ready for school!

Violet and the pumpkins!

Violet rocking in a chair.  Photo by daddy.

Daddy rocking in a chair.  Photo by Violet.

Audrey munching on an apple while we strolled through the orchards picking apples.

Audrey, Daddy, and apple.

Violet and Nora on the Moo-Choo

Audrey, the birthday girl, on the Moo-Choo.

Happy Birthday Audrey

To my daughter, Audrey, on your sixth birthday....

You were just a bundle of smiles and laughter, and now you are a running, cheerful blur of activity!  You have so many people who love you, and I hope you will always remember this as you continue to grow.  You inspire me to be a better daddy, and a better person each and every day.  You love to give gifts and cards, and do nice things for other people.  You always want to help and I hope that this is something you will continue to do forever.  At six, you have discovered a love for drawing, reading, and movies.  You enjoy rice, chocolate-dipped granola bars, and water.  You love tickles, hate hamburgers, and I think your mind is still not made-up about guacamole.  You are the greatest gift I will ever have, and I will do my best to give you the tools and space to evolve and continue finding your passions in life.  I love you with my whole heart, and just want to wish you a happy, happy birthday.

Love Always,

Your Daddy

Sunday, September 7, 2014

The Deep End

It has been a little while since the last post.  This is not for lack of action or happenings, quite the opposite.  Sometimes life just gets busy, and we get caught-up in it to the point where the little rituals and routines sometimes get lost in the shuffle and hustle of the day.

The routines of school for both myself and the girls has been a positive one overall.  Audrey is enjoying kindergarten very much, learning new math and reading skills daily.  Violet is transitioning well to her preschool setting, and I think she likes being in a new group of peers where she can experience new interactions and how to move socially throughout the day in a positive learning environment.

While I am quite happy with the way the new school year has started, it is still difficult to let go of summer.  The simplicity of it all has been replaced by the almost overwhelming list of needs of my students and school policy.  While I understand it is all in the best interest of the children, it feels like I am being pulled in ten different directions on an almost minute-to-minute basis when at work in terms of meetings, conferences, grading, etc.  It really is very exciting and my days are not dull, and I very much like my students, so I think I just need to wholly embrace this process and get back into the groove, myself!

Today was a lot of fun, as Kim and I both participated in different running events on the same course.  I ran the Chicago Half Marathon and she ran the 5k.  While waking-up at 4:30am is not anyone's idea of heaven on a Sunday, I had fun chatting in the car, enjoying a nice run along the lake shore, and savoring a victory meal at home with my family in celebration!

It was during my run today that I finally had a little time to just think about life and do some reflecting and also to project out into the future a little.  I want to be someone who is more action-based.  By this I mean I want to be a person who accomplishes things, not just talk about them.  We live for such a short time, and I am trying very hard to not take that for granted.  We have plans for the future, but sometimes life around us changes quickly and I am reminded that we are not guaranteed tomorrow.  I compared this to walking in a swimming pool, or on a beach, out into the water.  We can feel our bodies getting lighter, as we move into deeper and deeper water.  At some point, though, we lose contact with the floor beneath us, and we are truly out in the deep.  While we know what is below us, and where we are headed (for the most part), we never quite know when the bottom will drop out or how deep the depths below us truly are.

So, as we wade-out into this new sea of routine and happenings, I am mindful of the opportunities and adventures that pulse before us.  I am, however, aware of my depth and appreciative of the stability that lies below my feet each and every day.  While I am truly not afraid of what lies out there in the depths of life, I am in no hurry to see the bottom drop out and find myself unable to float in the deep end.