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Saturday, September 20, 2014

Happy Birthday Audrey

To my daughter, Audrey, on your sixth birthday....

You were just a bundle of smiles and laughter, and now you are a running, cheerful blur of activity!  You have so many people who love you, and I hope you will always remember this as you continue to grow.  You inspire me to be a better daddy, and a better person each and every day.  You love to give gifts and cards, and do nice things for other people.  You always want to help and I hope that this is something you will continue to do forever.  At six, you have discovered a love for drawing, reading, and movies.  You enjoy rice, chocolate-dipped granola bars, and water.  You love tickles, hate hamburgers, and I think your mind is still not made-up about guacamole.  You are the greatest gift I will ever have, and I will do my best to give you the tools and space to evolve and continue finding your passions in life.  I love you with my whole heart, and just want to wish you a happy, happy birthday.

Love Always,

Your Daddy

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