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Sunday, October 19, 2014

Fall is here

A lazy Sunday is rolling out before us.  Loads of laundry, dishes, sweeping...the usual suspects of a Sunday line-up.  This morning, however, I woke a bit early to watch the Chicago Marathon.  I have been lucky enough to run in two Chicago Marathons.  Getting to see some of the elite runners in the world compete is a real treat.  Running sub-five minute miles the entire way.  What an amazing event.  To watch everyday people meet their goals and accomplish something that they once thought impossible, it is inspiring.  It reminded me of why I love running and especially why the marathon encapsulates so many positive qualities about humanity.

With my fill of inspiration, I move through today with hope for the world, and take time to enjoy watching my daughters play and laugh and live their little lives.  The NFL now fills the TV screen, and the girls are enjoying a tea party before nap time.  The laundry is folded, the dishwasher hums peacefully in the kitchen, and the dog snores next to me on the couch.  Soon a book and an afternoon snooze will make my Sunday complete.

Now a couple weeks later, this blog post remains incomplete, and unposted still.  It is mid October now, and the leaves are in full-firework mode before they fall for the winter.  It is so beautiful that I forget how lucky I am to be witness to this all.  We celebrate Violet's birthday, even though it is still a couple weeks away.  That is all fine and well, though, as three-year-olds should have multi-day celebrations!  These are the things in life worth living for.  We have been enjoying the crisp fall days, going on walks, laughing, savoring the sunlight before earlier and earlier blankets of darkness cover the sky and usher us indoors.

This past winter was brutal, and it is one that I have kept close to mind.  Past winters, even since childhood, have seemed to come and go.  Last winter, however, was cold, and unforgiving, and relentless.  I remember clearly promising out loud that I would not complain of summer heat if and when it finally arrived...and I stuck to that promise.  Even now, as the days cool and the nights start earlier, I do not complain, and rather prefer to enjoy that day which is given to me.  Even when the snow finally does begin to fall, I will do my best to remember the warmth of days past and know that the snow does not last forever, although it may seem so some days.

The bigger picture is that our family is happy and healthy.  Kim is working hard and being very productive at work and always looking for new opportunities to advance her career.  She works tirelessly on her photography, and I couldn't be more proud of her.  Oh, and she is a terrific mother to top it all off.  Audrey is just amazing us every day with what she learns, what she retains, and how she applies her understanding of things to everything around her.  She is so sweet and always trying her best, and we love her.  Violet, as stated earlier, is almost three.  She is a nut, and the biggest sweetheart of all.  While she can be crazy, she can also be equally sweet and cuddly.  I am so lucky to lay my head each night in my home and fall asleep being surrounded by such amazing family.

Now it is time to spend the rest of the evening with my kiddos and wife, enjoying some football and maybe even a cookie or two!  What a life...  

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