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Sunday, December 7, 2014

Somewhere in the Middle

December is a funny bird of a month.  It is after Thanksgiving, and holds all kinds of holidays and celebrations, and then gives way into the blandness that is late winter.  I lay here, in bed, waiting for motivation to strike for a run.  The girls are watching a show downstairs on the couch, cuddled-up with blankets.  It is a simple Sunday, with some food, cleaning, laundry, and naps (hopefully).

Our trip to Virginia a couple weeks ago was, as expected, wonderful.  The trip there was broken-up by a stop and sleep in West Virginia.  It was nice to just admit to being tired and pull-off and sleep for a few hours before completing the 14+ hour trip to Richmond.  We rolled-into our destination mid-afternoon, and it was nothing but sweet to see my Uncle Fred and Aunt Irene, and cousins Sam and Emma.  

Audrey and Violet are in heaven every year when Aunt Irene creates an "Imagination Room" where their busy hands can create and play.  During these times, everyone takes turns interacting and watching the girls.  They really do a great job at letting Kim and I have a short "break" and get a little time to enjoy Virginia.  As usual, Uncle Fred conducted a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner, and Aunt Irene was the hostess of hostesses.  Getting to visit each year restores my faith in the world and makes me realize how wonderful the world can be.  

We got to walk along the river downtown, and I was tempted to sign-up for the Richmond Marathon next year...we will see if I can get Sam and Emma to sign-up too!  Shopping in Carytown was great, and we bought our annual ornaments for our tree at home.  Chatting with family members about current events and issues always gives me perspective.  We also got to see my sister, Eden, as she made a day trip from Washington to visit.  The girls love their Aunt Eden, and it is always special to get to see my sister!

It is always too quick of a trip, but we left on Saturday morning, and drove straight-through the night to arrive back in Illinois very early Sunday morning.  IT was nice to be in our own beds again, and wake-up on Sunday morning to be left to our own devices.  Now a couple weeks have passed and we find ourselves looking towards winter break, holiday in Indiana, and transitioning into winter.  While there isn't any snow today on the ground, it is bound to be here sooner than later.  

Until then, though, we find ourselves stuck in the middle...between holidays and a new year.  We will remain close together, keeping the warmth inside our home, while temperatures drop outside.  Wherever you are, we wish you a happy and relaxed holiday season.  Now it is time for some afternoon naps and working through the rest of our lazy Sunday at home.


Audrey and Emma creating in Virginia

Violet at dinner in Virginia.  

Uncle Fred showing Audrey what a brussel sprout  stalk looks like.

Audrey reading to me.  She is a reader.  I am proud of her.

Aunt Irene measuring for her Thanksgiving dinner table design this year.  


Audrey and cousin Sam playing in the front yard.

Audrey, Emma, Sam, and Violet checking the map along our river walk.

Aunt Eden with Audrey and Violet in Virginia.

Audrey and Violet after getting lollipops at For the Love of Chocolate.

Weeeeee represent the Lolipop Guild.

Violet is good at bananas.

Violet and Grandma at Audrey's Winter Program.

Making cookies with Grandma.

Eating cookie dough is more fun than actually making cookies.

Daddy made an apple pie.  

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