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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Zoos and Such

Audrey enjoys the native plant garden at Maercker Primary School.  

We have been in a happy, content little schedule these last couple weeks.  My administrative responsibilities haven't really kicked-in just yet, so summer is still in full-swing in our house!  Kim has taken this past week off, so it has been a treat to have our family all together each morning and just taking the day as it arrives on our doorstep.

The weather has been rather cool, with some rain and cloudy afternoons.  This has allowed us to mostly stay close to home and enjoy the simple things in life.  We are going on daily bike rides for a couple miles.  The girls are ready to attempt two-wheels soon, and Kim is finding her balance again with her bike!  Even Phoebe enjoys a couple trips around the block.  

I took Audrey and Violet into Chicago to visit Uncle Stuart and visit Lincoln Park Zoo (see pictures below).  This last week, we have also visited Brookfield Zoo.  There is something special about having the opportunity to see and learn about animals with my daughters.  I recognize that I am not personally happy about the idea of zoos in general, but these opportunities to observe and become more aware about the major issues that these animals and animal populations face in the world is something I think must be paid attention to...especially by children.  Tomorrow we will be returning to Brookfield to take another crack at getting a glimpse of the new wolf pups and also the new children's wing.  

Other than some school reading, I have been picking away at a Stephen King book (Finders Keepers), listening to a lot of podcasts, running and biking, and trying to take-in every day during this short summer.  Today I took Audrey to visit my schools and walk around to become a little more familiar with each one.  Just looking around and seeing all of the wonderful space made me excited to really begin working and becoming a part of it all.

Soon.  I know.  All in good time.  For now, it is simplicity, laughter, naps, and small adventures.  

Violet and Audrey on the Brookfield lion and serpent.
Getting a close-up of a leopard.  Audrey was a little worried, but soon appreciated this opportunity!
They LOVE the zoo misters and sprinklers.  It was also raining slightly during our trip to Brookfield, but getting to the misters is always a highlight!  
Violet attempting leapfrog at Brookfield.
Violet and a shark.
Violet checking her size relative to a grizzly bear.  I see this as preparing for a future trip to Alaska!
The girls get to see one of the grizzly bears out and about.
Acting loony at Brookfield!
Audrey and a giraffe at Brookfield.
The girls in a sample hut at Brookfield.
Cute kiddos.
Hopping for a good photo opportunity!
Audrey walking Phoebe at the Renwick Bird Preservation trail.  This is one of my favorite places where we live.
This is a dinner with some of my favorite friends from Hadley.  They took me out to dinner and we had a lot of laughs and celebrated getting rid of me and my new administrative position!  These are great people!
Uncle Stuart took us to Molly's Cupcakes in Chicago after our trip to Lincoln Park Zoo.  Those things were SO DELICIOUS!  
Violet and her cupcake....flavored like cake batter.  
The girls loved the swings at Molly's Cupcakes.
Uncle Stuart and the girls at a small bird sanctuary near Lincoln Park!
Uncle Stuart and Violet viewing the seals underwater!
We stopped for a quick snack before taking-on the zoo!
Audrey, Violet, and Shakespeare.   
Audrey and Uncle Stuart.  Audrey is learning the "Orelove stride" from the master!  

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