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Sunday, August 30, 2015

Sitting Still

Super Violet!

It is the first weekend after the beginning of the school year.  I have been trying to just rest and get the house cleaned-up.  There really isn't much else I want to accomplish on this gray, humdrum weekend.  There is something nice about just sitting on this quiet Sunday morning.  The clouds cover the sky outside, and we are all snuggled under blankets on the couch watching cartoons and enjoying our chocolate milk and coffee.

Getting to sit still for a while is important.  I will be going for a run, and doing all kinds of work later as the day progresses.  However, having some time to just sit still and not feel compelled to rush through each moment is important to me.  The first few days of my new position have had me up and about the building constantly, which has been wonderful and tiring at the same time.  I am getting the chance to be the administrator I would want, and still meeting all of my obligations thus far.  

We are often caught-up in our lives to the point where we forget to just sit still and listen and take-in our surroundings.  I hope to go for a run later, and allow my body to get some exercise and just take some time to think and "zone out" while my muscles work for a while.  We all need to take time to zone out and let our bodies have a good work out and just find time to be still, if only for a short while.

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