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Sunday, July 17, 2016

Rainy Morning Sunday

Who ya gonna call?  The ORELOVE GIRLS!

 It has been a nice week at home, although we remain busy!  After our trip to Michigan, we had a nice weekend with friends and their families visiting...and we were pretty much back into the routine of things.  I have been working every day, starting to look into the 2016/17 school year, as well as begin our summer school academy.  So that has been a lot of fun, and good to begin returning to the mindset of daily academics and planning.

This last week, I have enjoyed time with my daughters.  We work-up on Friday, and decided to go to the matinee of the new Ghostbusters film.  We absolutely love the original, and the new one wasn't great...but it  wasn't completely bad, either.  Something to have fun with...then forget.  However, it is nice to see a fun female cast and have another movie under our belts at our new favorite theater, Hollywood Palms.  We can order food during the movie, so the girls love some fries and onion rings, and I am a fan of a pina colada to savor during the flick!

I got a rare chance to go out to see some friends play and listen to some great music on a Friday night!  IT was nice hanging with old teacher buddies and sharing in some laughs.  It reminded me of how important is is to take a little time for self every now and then!  I woke-up the next morning and watched Bob Ross on TV.  The girls really enjoy watching him paint and just talk.  He is so mellow!  I believe that if the world watched one episode a day, there would be no more war!  He is that calm and peaceful!

Our family took a trip to the zoo Saturday around noon, and we had a few hours of zipping around seeing the animals and sections we wanted to see.  IT is always fun to just enjoy our time together and not be in a hurry at the zoo.  The weather was great, and the girls got to see their favorites, including feeding the parakeets and brushing the goats.

Later that evening, we took-in the sights, sounds, and tastes of Plainfield Fest in our little downtown.  The girls had a lot of fun on the rides, although Violet was a bit apprehensive  on her first go-around with the Dragon Wagon...but her big sister, Audrey, was there to share in the screams.  After that, they jumped from one ride to the next and even got a few games in, too.  We all enjoyed some salty fries and hot dogs at the end of the night, and then zipped home for a late night bedtime!

So now we are all sitting in our living room, reading and coloring and blogging as the early morning thunder storm cell pushes through our area.  We have tickets for the Kane County Cougars baseball game at 1pm...but we wait with hope that the skies clear before it is time to depart.  The laundry is going and the dishwasher is humming in the kitchen.  We are having breakfast and doing "our own things" as the raindrops tap outside on the window.  Blue skies are off in the distance...hopefully heading our way.  A long run is also calling my name...motivation will grab me soon!  For now, it is nice to sit in the relative peacefulness of our living room and take-in our time as a family.

Violet and Daddy at the Ghostbusters movie.  

Audrey is excited to order Lord of the Onion Rings and see Ghostbusters.

Do you like Pina Coladas?

Out on the town with my friends, Ann Marie and Rick!

Saturday morning snuggles!

At the zoo, brushing the goats.

Girls and parakeets.  

Audrey and the emu.  

Violet as a raccoon.  

Buffalo Gals.

Watching the brown bear take a dip.

Audrey on the carousel.  

Violet and daddy and the ostrich.

Plainfield Fest 2016:  Rocking the Dragon Wagon.

Orelove girls ready for takeoff.

Audrey and daddy on the bumper cars.

Audrey behind the wheel!

Violet fishing!

Violet fishing!

Enjoying late night salty treats!

The girls and their prizes!  It was a good night!

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