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Sunday, February 26, 2017

End of February Pictures

This is so us. 
And here's a "regular" one.

The girls helping me make cookies for my teachers.

Violet got to keep her classroom mascot for a couple weeks.  Grant the Gorilla.  Here she is bringing him to buy books at Barnes and Nobel.

Violet and Grant getting ready for bed.

Snuggles with Grant.

My dad the feminist.  What a world.

Abel and Sam past bed time...grouchy guys.

Another wonderful trip to the Field Museum.  We are now members, so many more trips are expected.  We got to see Uncle Stuart, which always makes our day!

Bushman is always our first stop at the Field!

Kim gets in on the Bushman action.  Shout out to Zayde!

The girls LOVE the Underground Exhibit.  It is a must-do every time!

The girls bugging out!

Audrey and the wolf spider.

Violet and Elvis the trucker.

Uncle Stuart holds Sam for the first time.  I love this moment.

3D at the Galapagos movie!  

Kim, Violet, and the narwhals.

Stu and Sue.

Six Oreloves and a T-Rex.  

Taking it all in on the second floor at the Field Museum.

The girls and the giant ground sloth.  Just an amazing thing.

Audrey's school picture.  She is growing up too quickly.

This was the first photo of all of us together as a family with Sam.  

Audrey is a great big sister.

Audrey and Sam.  

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