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Sunday, May 21, 2017

Cloudy Sunday

Audrey holding Sam on the back step.
 Today has been a quiet, chilly day...filled with clouds and wind blowing through in gusts that make me tighten my hoodie and zip-up my jacket all the way.  The weather people told us that yesterday would be 100% chance of rain, and we skipped going to the Cougars baseball game...even though it never rained...although it didn't look too promising!

Orelove kid bath party!
This cloudy Sunday has provided a lot of the normal traps of time:  lawn mowing, movies, playing in the driveway, a short walk, naps for Sam...I am taking this opportunity to update the blog while the girls are playing upstairs and Kim is at the store.   Sam is content in his rocker for the moment, so I type.

Staring/giggling/smiling contest....guess who won!?!
This week, Violet will be graduating from preschool, and will begin the long journey that is education.  This summer will be a series of trips to the zoo, the Field Museum, and lots of training runs with Sam and the jogger stroller.  While plans haven't been made, I am hoping to get back into marathon shape and possibly complete one in the fall...however, I still have two half marathons on the calendar, too.

Life is good from my vantage.
The rest of the summer will be spent between house time with the kids and preparing for my return to the classroom as a 6th grade ELA teacher.  I am getting more and more excited about this new/old direction as my year winds down as assistant principal.  I will keep administration in my back pocket, but I have found myself truly missing working with kids and more of a balance with my life at home.
Sleepy Sam.
Audrey is ready for summer, too.  She keeps remarking how she isn't ready for 3rd grade, and I usually say that I'm not ready under my breath.  She is at this point in life where I can actually recall clearly the same tie in my own life.  While it is a different time, I am still blown away by the similarities I see Audrey encountering as a young person.  She has now finished all of the Harry Potter books, so next we will view the movies and then I will need to find the next series of novel to challenge and expand her thinking.

Dear Lord...what have I done?  I gave in and got her a skateboard! Sam.  He is getting more and more chunky and smiles constantly.  He has a cough and slight fever that will hopefully go away soon.  He is thinking about trying to crawl, but is happy to sit or lay on you and gurgle and babble and smile.  He absolutely adores his big sisters and can't get enough of just watching them do all of their crazy things.  He is definitely taking it all in.

Sam and hat that was once Violet's that was once Audrey's.
We miss Phoebe, our dog.  She has left a big hole in our family, and we are managing to grow and get along without her.  However, I still find myself wishing she were here to eat my pizza crust or just curl up next to on the couch.
Pretty things growing on the side of my house.
The cold wind continues to blow outside, but it is time to get ready for dinner and bed in the Orelove house.  The never ending battle with laundry and dishes continues, and the kids laugh and laugh.  Life is pretty good.


Audrey finding a quiet spot to read for a while.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day Eve

Sam rocking his new jams

It is a perfect Sunday evening, the sun is still warm but everyone can sense the end of the day soon.  The girls are outside playing, and I am laying here while Sam finishes his afternoon nap.  It is mother's day, and Kim returned home from a weekend with friends in Michigan.  The weekend was spent watching some movies and playing a lot.  We enjoyed time together, just the kids and me.  Violet had a Tai Kwan-do showcase this weekend, and I am so impressed with what she has learned and the movements she is capable of.  She knew the names and technique of several kicks and punches.  Hopefully we will get her signed up for the summer and she can continue with her training, as I believe it will be a wonderful focus for her as she grows.  Audrey is looking towards swimming and possible more horse riding during the summer months.

Things are wrapping up at work, and I am looking forward to the summer with my kids before returning to the classroom.  I think time between these jobs will be terrific, and my mind can take a breather before diving back into working directly with students.

But for now, it is time to wake this little kiddo and take a walk as a family around our neighborhood while the sun is still out and there is still a little weekend left!


The Orelove kiddos about to go on a walk/scooter/stroll around the block!


Morning bottle.  Not even awake yet.


Violet at her showcase.


Movie night with my girls.

Playing in the driveway.  Violet fell and Audrey is applying an icepack.

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Thoughts Before Bed

Sam all tuckered out before bed.

This is Margo Giannoulis.  She is my principal, and she is amazing.  I have learned a lot from her this year, and will miss her next year.

These were taken during our 8 minute "lunch break".

Two guys on the couch, checking everything out.

A panoramic photo of our back yard.  It is one of my favorites.  I felt very content when I took this picture.

Cousin Emma is in town today for the Cubs game!  Here is her first moment meeting her cousin for the first time!

Orelove Cousin Crew.  OCC for short.

Sam is an Emma fan!

At the park on a Sunday.

Emma and Violet.

One more OCC shot before Emma heads to the Windy City!

Splish Splash!  Sunday night bath.