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Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day Eve

Sam rocking his new jams

It is a perfect Sunday evening, the sun is still warm but everyone can sense the end of the day soon.  The girls are outside playing, and I am laying here while Sam finishes his afternoon nap.  It is mother's day, and Kim returned home from a weekend with friends in Michigan.  The weekend was spent watching some movies and playing a lot.  We enjoyed time together, just the kids and me.  Violet had a Tai Kwan-do showcase this weekend, and I am so impressed with what she has learned and the movements she is capable of.  She knew the names and technique of several kicks and punches.  Hopefully we will get her signed up for the summer and she can continue with her training, as I believe it will be a wonderful focus for her as she grows.  Audrey is looking towards swimming and possible more horse riding during the summer months.

Things are wrapping up at work, and I am looking forward to the summer with my kids before returning to the classroom.  I think time between these jobs will be terrific, and my mind can take a breather before diving back into working directly with students.

But for now, it is time to wake this little kiddo and take a walk as a family around our neighborhood while the sun is still out and there is still a little weekend left!


The Orelove kiddos about to go on a walk/scooter/stroll around the block!


Morning bottle.  Not even awake yet.


Violet at her showcase.


Movie night with my girls.

Playing in the driveway.  Violet fell and Audrey is applying an icepack.

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