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Friday, August 18, 2017

Who am I to blow against the wind?

Pictures of the girls on their first day of school.

And then it was summer no more.

The girls walked out the door to school, and just like that, we take the next steps as a family.  There were some mixed emotions on my end, especially dropping Violet off at school on her first day, and watching her march in with her class and backpack that seemed too big for her little body.  But I watched, and waved...with the other parents there.  Then they were gone and I returned to the car with Sam.

Now I sit here in bed, tomorrow bringing with it my first day back at school with our district institute day.  Wednesday is the first day with students, and I have so much to do...but I am sure everyone does.  There is so much to learn and relearn...but I am trying to be present in the moment and take things in small bites and I transition back to my own classroom.

This weekend was a hot one, and we did a few things of note.  On Friday Kim and I took the girls to Ravinia and watched Lord of the Rings while the Chicago Symphony Orchestra played the live soundtrack!  It was a perfect night as we sat in our folding chairs and snacked while Frodo began his journey across Middle Earth...all while one of the greatest orchestras played the amazing music to match the magic on screen.

We returned near midnight, only to awake at 6am to drive to Indianapolis for a birthday!  The drive was long...both ways, but it was fun to see family and let the kids run around and have a good time.  This did, however, leave us all exhausted Sunday.  Sam decided that he would wake with the sun...which meant that I did as well.  The girls all slept in and the day has been filled with play, cleaning, and preparing for a full week of school and work for everyone.

And so here we are, showered and ready for the week.  While my head is getting ready for the new season of learning ahead, my heart still remains in the summer...holding onto memories of baseball, walks, runs, laughter, adventures, naps, and smiles.  I try to stay in the moment, but everything moves forward.  And as I am pushed along to the next adventure, I simply smile and ask, who am I to blow against the wind?


Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Pictures at the end of summer

Sam loves his Cheerios!

Sleepy Sam.

Take a big bite!

Funny faces with my summer ladies.

I'm not really smiling here, but I am actually so happy and love my girls.

Sam ready to go on a run with daddy.

Violet crushing the alphabet in our driveway with chalk.

Sam and daddy after the run!


So many laughs every day with my son.

Growing up is hard work.

The girls in Naperville.

                    Off the sisters run...up the hill as the bell tower sounds...only to roll down moments later laughing, and the clouds push by and the trees sigh.

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Summer's Fade

The sunset tonight over Plainfield during my run.

The last few days of summer are like a stack of pennies in the palm of my hand.  Each one I can feel as I flip them into the well of memories and wish.  I wish for the days to be longer.  I wish for more wishes.  But that is not how these things work.  Summer is like getting a bunch of wishes...days to do whatever one wants...knowing that there are only so many before they are gone.

The days since my last post have been simple and enjoyable ones...going to the swimming pool, going on runs, playing with the kiddos, getting my classroom set up, and visiting some family.

Last week I attempted a run with my friend one evening...hoping to beat the incoming clouds.  They arrived first, and absolutely dumped buckets and we were compelled to sprint to our homes under lightning and sheets of rain that hit hard like a thousand tiny spears every second.  While it took only a few minutes to get home, it took my shoes three days to dry!

Looking forward, a couple days of work items, and even a full day orientation are ahead!  The next week, the girls return to school...then it is my turn.  These are all good things, and we are all excited about them...but it is all in the fade of the summer, and it is difficult to imagine these things while we are so content in the sunset...knowing that tomorrow asks so little of us, and yet offers so much.


Sam and his Great Grandmother Flesher
Audrey visiting the horses at her Great Aunt's house in Redkey, Indiana this weekend.
This horse nuzzled me at the moment of this picture.
Sam being Sam.
Went to the zoo with some friends.  Here is their kid, Trent, posing with the girls.
Hopping around Brookfield on an overcast day.
On a walk at Renwick Bird Preserve.  This is the "Rock Stop" where we always stop to throw some rocks into the pond below.
Sam in his whale swim gear.
The horses in Indiana were very interested in Sam.
Kim, Audrey, Violet, Sam, Great Grandma Flesher, and Grandpa Cip.