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Monday, January 28, 2019


I turned 39 a few days ago.  How did that happen?

It is a strange age, as it is now the last year in my third decade.  Looking back, it doesn't seem like too much has happened in this last year, but there is always so much when I really stop to examine my timeline.

I watch the cold outside and find contentment sitting here on the couch wrapped in a blanket...a snoozing dog at my feet.  What other adventures are out there?  What journeys will I take with my family and friends?  Which ones will I take alone?

This is a strange age, 39.  It is far enough along to know what I want to accomplish and still have the drive to do so...but it is also closer to the time in my life where I am supposed to "slow down". 

So here I sit, thinking about the future while looking back at the past.  I am trying my best, though, to enjoy the moment and appreciate all that I have.  It is hard to be content when the world seems to shout commands of constant progression and earning. 

So that is it.  I am spending time with my family on this cold day, and we will laugh some laughs and eat some food and go to bed warm and safe.  What more can I really want? 


Sunday, January 13, 2019


Got to see Louis and BJ while on a layover in Anchorage.  
It is now 2019.  What a ride it has already been!  I left Chicago a few days after Christmas and traveled to Juneau to finish cleaning out my dad's house and prepare if for sale.  Between Christmas and travel, my mom visited our family in Illinois for a few days, and it was nice to have her spend some time with the kids and enjoy some down time before heading to Seattle to see more family.

MOOSE!  Well, picture of one in Anchorage airport.
On the way to Juneau, I took advantage of a layover in Anchorage to see two of my very best friends, Louis and BJ.  We grabbed some food and watched the end of the afternoon football games and I was lucky enough to also have a few minutes to catch up with Louis' mom and sister, who were visiting at his house.  It was a special thin to be able to see what is basically my second family growing up in Juneau. 

Bullwinkle's garlic chicken pizza.  My all-time favorite in Juneau!
Upon arrival, Juneau was dark, cold, and stormy.  The first two days were relentless with the rain and wind, and waking up each morning was a challenge, when I have every opportunity to just turn off the alarm and curl back up in bed.  The job was a big one, however, and it took most of the trip to empty everything out and have it ready for the new owners.

Packaged stuff from my dad's house.  Ready to ship!
While my trip was mostly business, I was fortunate to also have the chance to see many of my best friends from childhood.  They helped me pack and move and ship things, and took me out hiking and gave me more hugs, laughs, and smiles than I could possibly remember.

The think about Juneau is that it will always be home to me.  I have my home in Illinois, too...but the familiarity of Juneau cannot be replaced.  Seeing people, and enjoying the pace of life for a week in Southeast Alaska was fantastic. 

A poster of my sister, Eden, and I in the garage of my dad's house!
So now we are almost staring at February, and winter break has passed.  I am working on getting healthier, eating better, and working each day to be a better dad, husband, and teacher.  While it is still early in 2019, I look forward to each day and the adventures tomorrow will bring.

Marcus, Luke, and Chris help move the jukebox.  
Eagles at the Juneau dump.  
Marcus and Chris loading the jukebox for transport.  
Chris unlocking the jukebox to fix it.
Inside the jukebox.  Pretty amazing, actually.
View from my dad's house.
Marcus, Dave, Chris, and Luke take me on a hike up Perseverance Trail!
Marcus and his son, Owen.
Sam and Owen Facetime with binkies.
I love this picture with BJ, Louis, Chris and Marcus.  I was laughing so hard I couldn't hold a smile for the camera.  This is how I feel all the time around these guys.
Up Perseverance Trail.
Photo on Perseverance.
Marcus and Owen ready to hike East Glacier Trail by the Mendenhall Glacier.
Glacier hike with my bro, Louis.
A rowdy hiking group on East Glacier Trail.
Mendenhall Glacier.  What a beautiful day in Juneau.
Final transaction for Abel Management.  
Enjoying Jake's 40th surprise birthday party.  So much love in this picture.
Enjoying a round with the guys.
Love this group of guys.  
Back at home with these two boys.