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Monday, January 28, 2019


I turned 39 a few days ago.  How did that happen?

It is a strange age, as it is now the last year in my third decade.  Looking back, it doesn't seem like too much has happened in this last year, but there is always so much when I really stop to examine my timeline.

I watch the cold outside and find contentment sitting here on the couch wrapped in a blanket...a snoozing dog at my feet.  What other adventures are out there?  What journeys will I take with my family and friends?  Which ones will I take alone?

This is a strange age, 39.  It is far enough along to know what I want to accomplish and still have the drive to do so...but it is also closer to the time in my life where I am supposed to "slow down". 

So here I sit, thinking about the future while looking back at the past.  I am trying my best, though, to enjoy the moment and appreciate all that I have.  It is hard to be content when the world seems to shout commands of constant progression and earning. 

So that is it.  I am spending time with my family on this cold day, and we will laugh some laughs and eat some food and go to bed warm and safe.  What more can I really want? 


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