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Monday, June 22, 2020

Running with Summer

Running my half marathon with Violet biking!

Summer is now in full effect.  We have found our family rhythm as the restraints of a fixed bed time and waking hour have been removed.  Today we are simply resting and waking up while rain clouds move-in.  Our morning began with excitement and anticipation of our new roof and siding being installed.  Unfortunately, it seems as if the impending rain has halted this project for the time being.  Oh well...all in good time, I suppose.

Running with Sam and Audrey on the Grandma's virtual half marathon!

The "new normal" for summer is not very exciting, as most days we are at home finding ways to entertain ourselves.  There are many hours spent playing in the back yard or dog walking around our subdivision.  Violet has really taken to softball, and we are playing a lot of catch and working on the fundamentals of fielding grounders and fly balls.  Batting practice soon!

Sam on the play set

With the passing of Uncle Stuart and the continued uncertainty of school in the fall, I have found running to be a positive activity to reduce stress and work through my thoughts.  Last week I completed the virtual half marathon that I was planning on running originally at Grandma's in Duluth, Minnesota.  It was a disappointment to not be able to run along Lake Superior this year, but the run around Plainfield was made special by Violet biking the first half and Audrey biking the second half...all while I pushed Sam in the jogger the entire distance!  So while it wasn't Duluth, the day was one to remember!  It also felt amazing running the entire distance.  It has been a while since I was able to run that far and still feel strong.  The plan for the remainder of the summer is to simply keep running and enjoying each day.

Sam sleeping after a dog walk.  Almost too big for the stroller....almost.

And so we roll with summer.  No public outings.  Just family.  We are enjoying the simple things and laughing a lot, and just being and breathing as a family.  We miss our friends and family, but know that we will see them soon enough.  For now, it is good to just be.


Ms. Audrey Berryfingers

Berry break as we play outside.

The beginning of my Ghotsbusters display.

The materials for our new roof are delivered!

Cookies....because I can.

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