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Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Life Changed

 And just like that, we are in the fall.

This blog is on my mind, but rarely these days do I make enough time for it.  It makes me sad, and I am hopeful that I will find interest enough again to meet-up on those early weekend visiting a friend for coffee.  

The summer has now come and gone.  A trip to Juneau was the ultimate highlight, although there was a lot of time to just be and think and breath, too.  On one of the very last days of the trip to Juneau, Sam broke his femur and it has now been just over two months since.  We spent four days in the hospital, including surgery, and many days on the couch in our house.  I have even grown accustomed to it now, and prefer it many times over my actual bed!  Sam brave.  He went through the emergency room, an ambulance, the hospital, surgery, recover, physical therapy....and started kindergarten in a wheelchair.  Now he is walking (running mostly) again, and back to "normal".  We are so thankful that he has made such an amazing recovery.  

The days are just packed now that school is back in session.  Life moves faster, too.  Both Audrey and Violet are completely for the occasional round of laundry or needing a ride somewhere.  Kim works hard as ever, also.  Speaking of work, I have left my position in Homer Glen and now work as a 5th grade teacher in Plainfield!  It is wonderful but exhausting learning the job over again and all of the new systems and teaching all of the subjects again.  It is still thrilling each day, and every day is different.

Maybe more soon...some pictures for a tired blogger perhaps?  

It feels good to be in this space again...if only for a few paragraphs.


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