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Tuesday, January 3, 2023

The Last Day of the Tree

 It is a grey, rainy morning.  Kim is starting the morning in her office, returning to her work schedule.  I am thankful I still have a few more days of break remaining, but my subconscious is starting to nag at me, reminding me of all the things I will need to do before returning to teaching.  I really do look forward to seeing my students, but there is also some anxiety and stress building as the realities of "normal life" begin to set-in again.

Winter break has been a good one, although very quiet.  We have not done very much, which seems to be what was needed.  I have thoroughly enjoyed exercising and dog walking every day, as well as the regular rounds of cleaning and just spending time with my children.  It makes me wish there was no work and we could just go on, being a family and spending time together...but alas we must make the most of the time that is given.

Today is the last day with the Christmas tree up.  Tomorrow the children will help deconstruct it.  It is a sad thing to me, as it has always been beacon of light and happiness during the dark winter times.  However, I also recognize that we must move forward and that taking it down is another step towards warmer days and longer periods of light.  

So for today we enjoy its light and then away it goes until next November after Thanksgiving.  Time is a strange and funny thing, and we cannot control it...but we can mark its passing and keep those things that bring us joy sacred as the years pass.  I hear footsteps of a certain 6 year old slowly tromping their way down the stairs...time to go and enjoy the moments that will become today.


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