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Monday, September 22, 2008

Audrey Ruth Orelove

OK, so it has been a couple weeks, but this will be the highlight of the blog. Of this I am sure.

On September 20th, 2008 at 10:24PM, Audrey Ruth Orelove came into the world.

Kim's water broke at 8am, and we hung around the house for a couple hours cleaning and having some breakfast before leaving for Edwards Hospital in Naperville. She worked hard and had an epidural (HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!) and eventually pushed little Audry out!

She weighed 7lbs 12.5oz at birth, and left the hospital weighing 7lbs 8oz. She is beautiful and a little feisty baby who loves being warm and swaddled in blankets. She is not a fan of having her feet touched, or cold baby wipes. So far she enjoys snoozing in her Boppy Pillow and seems to enjoy crime drama television, just like her mother! :-)

Our experience at the hospital was nothing short of amazing. We felt comfortable from the moment we entered their care. The staff was hospitable and was constantly available for any questions and met all of our needs. Their knowledge and professionalism was second to none, and they were genuine people who truly cared about our child.

There will be many many more photos to come, but for now we need to rest a little and get situated in our new home. Thank you all for your love and support. We look forward to our new life together and introducing Audry (AKA Baby Ruth) to the world.


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