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Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Baby Audrey's Room

At the beginning of the summer, we began to transform our office room into the baby nursery. I started by ripping out all carpet and padding, the primed and painted the room. Next we installed wood flooring, wall paneling, a chair rail, and a new ceiling fan. Next, we bought and assembled shelves, a cabinet, and rocker, and a crib. Thank you to everyone who helped with the room and gave us gift cards and other purchases. (Not pictured is the entire closet full of gifts and clothes from everyone!)

Currently, however, Kim, Baby Orelove, Phoebe the Dog, and I are all camped out downstairs in the living room via the couch and a pack-n-play crib. It is easier on Kim that she does not have to go up and down stairs. Our days thus far are basically napping, holding baby, laundry, and eating. It is wonderful, yet I doubt we'll ever get used to sleeping in intervals of 60 minutes or less at a time.

More Later.


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Bethany said...
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