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Saturday, October 25, 2008

Overdue Post

Hello Friends and Family.

It has been too long since my last update. Things are going well her ein the Orelove Family Household. Life moves quickly around here these days. Kim and Audrey are enjoying their time together at home while I am back to work in my 5th grade classroom.

Work is still a great pleasure of mine, and I consider myself very lucky to be able to go to a job that I love and am passionate about. My class is making steady strides this first quarter. There is much tha tI want to improve, especially when it comes to writing. However, I am satisfied with our first quarter accomplishments, especially since I was gone for two full weeks. I really think that the time between now and winter break will define our classroom as a community and a group of workers! So get ready for more on that front. The big project at the moment is our class pet project, where I am teaching the class about EBAY and I have given each student an item to auction off. They have learned about what EBAY is, how to write an effective item description, they have taken photos of their items, and next week we'll be listing them on EBAY and using any profits to purchase a class pet and all of the necessary materials! I am really trying to give them real-world experiences that they will remember and can use in the future.

As far as homelife, things are great. Audrey is really starting to grow and put on weight. She is now more than 9.5 lbs! While that doesn't seem like much, it is amazing to think that just a month and a half ago she was under 7lbs! She has started to strengthen her neck muscles, and her head doesn't flop all over. She is also in a mimic stage where if you stick your tongue out at her, she'll stick her tongue out at you! TOO CUTE!

Phoebe the dog is enjoying a couple weeks in South Bend with the other farm dogs. I want her to get a good run in befor ethe winter, and she really loves life down there! I hope that in the near future we can buy a house with a back yard fenced-in so Phoebe can get a good exercise in every day withut having to be on a leash!

Well, that's about it. I'll be posting some photos soon from a variety of events. I just want everyone to know that I haven't forgotten about the blog and I am gla that people are still checking it! More to come son!


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