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Saturday, October 4, 2008

Saturday Night with the Newest Kid on the Block

I am sitting here happily on a Saturday night with Audrey and Phoebe on the couch. Kim is out to the New Kids on the Block concert...although I guess you'd call it a sow since none of them play an instrument or anything. I am glad that Audry was born a week early. This way, Kim can go to the show, and my child does not have to be subjected to New Kids on the Block music!

The Newest Kid and Mommy on the Block!!!

The point is, I am enjoying a nice night in with my daughter and my "furry kid", and I can't think of anywhere else I'd rather be. I brought Audrey into my school to visit my classroom and students. While she slept through the entire adventure, my students we fascinated and very excited and eager to share their own advice and experiences with childhood development. My Vice Principal laughed and now calls me the "tapdancer" due to my ability to "dance" around personal and sometimes inappropriate questions brought up. I am looking forward to returning to my class on Monday, but I am also sad that my paternity time is up and I will miss my daughter greatly.

Included in this entry are a couple pictures of Baby Orelove on Mom's preggo pillow!

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