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Friday, January 16, 2009

Cold Day

Today school was canceled due to the -16 degree weather (-34 with wind chill). It was a nice surprise because yesterday was similar, yet school wasn't canceled. So, at 5:10am, when the phone rang, it was just that much sweeter to slip back into bed. Actually, I had already had a coffee, so I gave Audrey her bottle as we watched Sesame Street. Compared to all the lame news reporters on TV, Sesame Street seems to be the only show where people can actually learn something these days!

things have been moving swiftly as of late. school is almost all-consuming, and the commute in the weather conditions have not made this past week the easiest in terms of schedule...but we press on. The thing about being a family is simply making things work. It is funny how before parenthood, I imagined that I would constantly be having to make the decision between my child and everything else in my life. Now, it is really simple because everything else does not really matter when compared to my daughter.

Tomorrow will be a day of cleaning and organizing. I think there's a to the mall involved, which means I'll most likely just play with Audrey until it is time to move on. I am excited about the new 4-day weekend! I always wait until the last day to do work, so I am going to strive to get a few things done each day so I can enjoy football on Sunday and not feel guilty about abstaining from progress in my report cards and paper grading!

Well, I wish you all well. Kim is frantically taking pictures of Audrey, afraid that we'll miss too much if we stop. I'm sure I'll post soon. The process of downloading and waiting for each picture to post is tiresome, so I apologize for the lack of pictures as of late. Be well and stay warm!


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