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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Checking In

Hello all!

Things here on the Orelove front have been a sweet routine as of late. The mornings are a quiet time spent making bottles for the day and walking the dog, although I picture early jogs once the weather warms and the light shines earlier.

My car rides to and from work are spent switching between ESPN, NPR, and Raffi tunes. It is a strange sensation hearing BBC, updates on Tiger Woods, and Baby Beluga within one minute. For the most part, Audrey coos at the beginning of the ride, and then zonks back out once we hit the highway. Same on the way home. Having a baby in the car has heightened my defensive driving skills to almost superhero levels.

Audrey attempting sweet potatoes!

Teaching seems to be my other focus in life these days. We now have a 4 1/2 foot ball python named Monty in our classroom! It is a very gentle, beautiful creature, and the students are absolutely fascinated by her. She was donated by a family that just didn't have time for her anymore. Today was the first feeding, and the entire class sat and observed as Monty gulped a medium-sized rat. Quite the way to end a week in school! I can just picture parents asking what their child did in school today....wrote an essay....did some math facts....fed a ball python....just awesome.

Here's a picture of my class library. You can spot Monty's tank built into the set-up!

This weekend involves a trip to South Bend. We haven't been for a few weeks, and it will be nice to let Phoebe run wild with the rest of the Indiana pack dogs! It is a treat to just relax and laugh with family. It is nice to just sit and talk and play with Audrey and take things as they come.

Outside of that, not too much else to report. Oh, I am waiting to hear back from Roosevelt University on whether or not they will accept me into their Educational Leadership Masters Program. Principal Orelove will one day be heard throughout the halls! :-)

OK, time for bed. I love you all so much. I miss you all. Stay warm and enjoy the transition from winter to spring!


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I should be sleeping...

But there is just so much to do in a day it seems! Bottles, coffee, dog walk, commute, daycare, teaching, pick-up from daycare, commute back, dog walk, dinner, dishes, laundry, etc. I am not complaining, just reflecting.

I love my life, and would not trade it for anything. I am looking forward to the three day weekend and having a bit of time at home to spend with the family. Audrey was a bit sick tonight with a slight fever, but she seems to be recovering nicely with a little extra fluid and some Tylenol for kids.

Here are some photos taken this week with a variety of outfits. She continues to be a happy baby and almost always has a smile on her face! I miss my family, and hope that everyone out there in cyber space is doing what they enjoy doing! Be well! Now, time for some sleep!


Sunday, February 1, 2009

Super Sunday

Hello Family and Friends!

It is a quiet Superbowl Sunday as I type this blog. Kim and Audrey are visiting friends in Crown Point, Indiana for a Super Bowl party. I have elected not to join them, as I have more than enough grading and cleaning to do for two weekends! While I miss my wife and daughter, I also enjoy the quiet time with the dog and cats!

Things have been going well. I enjoyed my 29th birthday in a quiet manner, having a little cake and ice cream with my family in South Bend. My dad sprung for a new pair of slippers, which I know sounds silly, but I love my slippers. I have not officially returned home until I have my slippers on circa Mr. Rodgers! You can check out my new bad boys ala

I also want to thank everyone for the nice cards and books and movies and other thoughtful gifts. I now have enough entertainment for another year. It is amazing to believe that I am one year from 30!

Audrey has been growing and laughing and smiling every day. She is on the verge of being able to roll over, so Kim and I are waiting with camera in hand for her "first" roll. She is adjusting beautifully to her daycare schedule. We enjoy a quiet ride out every morning to Villa Park and then again on the way back home at the end of the day. According to our wonderful daycare lady, Michelle, Audrey is a cheerful, easy baby. I'm attaching some photos Michelle took.

Kim is working hard every day and finding time for friends, which is wonderful. We're looking forward to some warmer weather so we can take some more walks and get the dog out more, but until it gets above freezing for more than a few hours, out outside time is limited! Fortunately, Kim has found one of the few Wii Fits and we will not be one some kind of "training" program that we can do each night. So, look for me to be a yoga master within the next few weeks!

I hope everyone is doing well. Recently a friend of the family has died, as well as one of my friend's mothers from cancer. It is times like these that make me thankful for my health, family, and friends. I encourage everyone who reads this to take a moment and count your blessings. Be well and happy Superbowl Sunday!
