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Monday, June 22, 2009


Greetings to all. I am enjoying the first few weeks of my summer break. It has been a wonderful, relaxing period of time since the return from Alaska. I finished the school year OK, got moved out, and will eventually get my things down to my new classroom later this month!

Audrey and I have been having a blast playing and snacking and walking and napping since I've been on break. We had a quiet Father's Day and enjoyed some quality time as a family.

Not too much else to report on. Audrey just finished her 9-month check-up at the doctor. She is doing very well and the doctor was very impressed with her balance and attitude! Other than that, it has really been low-key around the Orelove household. Kim has roped me into a New Kids on the Block concert this weekend, so I am sure I will have much more to report then. I hope all else is going well with folks.

Happy Father's Day to those of you out there who are dads!


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