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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy July

It is a quiet Thursday afternoon. Audrey lay a' snoozing next to me as the fan overhead hums softly. The laundry is going and the dishes are done, so not too much else to do for the moment except enjoy a little quiet.

The days have been sweet around here. Snacks and naps and walks are the order every day. Summer school starts next week, which I am actually looking forward to. While my time home has been exceptional, I am looking forward to a little peer interaction and keeping a little more busy.

I'm starting to get more and more excited about the next school year. My school seems well-put-together and I am looking towards a challenging and rewarding year as the math and science teacher. It will be a different focus. For the past five years, the emphasis is ALWAYS on literacy followed by math facts. I am studying different methods, however, or incorporating literacy into math and science to make my curriculum and techniques more "rounded".

Audrey is enjoying all of the Daddy/Daughter time. We sleep-in and then enjoy a quiet breakfast/brunch of puffs and bananas with graham crackers. We go for long walks with Phoebe around our subdivision or into neighboring subdivisions. I have discovered a nice little walking trail that goes for about 2 miles that takes us along a few farms and little lakes. It is the closest thing to secluded I have found in suburbia. Other times we pack-up and drive a few miles to our favorite trail along the Renwick Bird Sanctuary. It reminds me of the wetlands in Alaska a little bit. Phoebe loves this time of year because of all the other dogs and rabbits that abound in the nearby bushes.

This 4th of July weekend will be spent in Indiana. While I anticipate much fun will be had by all, I cannot help but look fondly back at my 4th of July days spent in Juneau, with fireworks at midnight and the parade the following morning with an afternoon of hot dogs at Sandy Beach and Eagle Beach! Good Times! Wherever everyone is, I hope you all have a happy and safe 4th.


PS-Here's Daddy's favorite shrimp napping right now!

1 comment:

PoorWetTree said...

Abel it's darron from western.
I'm taking a group of teen poets to chi for Brave New Voices next week. I'd love to catch you for coffee or something while I'm there. 808 230 1405