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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Late-Night Check-In

Again, I must apologize for the absense as of late in terms of attention to this blog. While there are moments that I think, "Hmmm, I need to post soon," I never seem to get around to it. I will chalk this up to summertime procrastination.

Audrey lay 'a snoozin' next to me. Today was a busy Saturday for us, with a trip to Ikea for a new shelf for the guest room and an impulsive purchase of a couch and love seat at a garage sale in our neighborhood! We've been making plans all summer to reorganize, simplify, and get our house in order and now it looks like we're actually moving on those plans. I'll get some pictures up when things are finished. Should take another week at least to get things the way we want them to be!

It feels like summer is quietly excusing itself and slipping out the door slowly as Fall creeps over the horizon. While the warm, sunny days are greatly appreciated, the small whispers of a chilly breeze remind me that autumn has plans to reside over us in the near future.

While July has been the definition of simplicity for me this year, August promises to be the absolute opposite! Not only do I begin teaching at a new school, but I must attend all the orientations and faculty planning sessions, as well. Also, I return to school myself to begin a Master's in Educational Leadership, so that will keep me on my toes, also. On top of all that, I am expecting visits from both my dad and mom! I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they see how much Audrey has grown!

We also have trips to Indianapolis and Michigan planned, so there will be no shortage of adventure and travels in our near future! I am also waiting to hear about when our softball practices begin, as I am eager to try out my new bat!

Well, I hope everyone out there in cyberspace is doing well. I will do my best to pick-up the pace again.


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