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Sunday, July 26, 2009

Amy's Visit

Three Chimps and a Baby at Lincoln Park Zoo

Greetings and Happy Sunday to All!

First off, I want to wish my mom a happy birthday this past week!

We had a very wonderful weekend with my good friend, Amy, who visited from Indianapolis. Amy is one of my best friends and was in our wedding on my side as my “Groomschick”! With all that has been going on in our lives, we haven’t seen each other for over a year! So Amy decided to zip up for the weekend and I am so glad she did.

She got here Friday afternoon, and we hung around the house and enjoyed introducing her to Audrey. The evening was spent in Aurora, where a softball team picked me up for the night because so many of their players were either injured or out of town. We played a double header (lost both), and I think I did all right at third base considering it was my first couple games in two years! During the second game, a lighting storm passed over us, and there was a torrential downpour, but the umpire kept us playing! I loved I, but t other players were a little skittish…rightfully so with bolts of lightening only a few miles off!

We spent the time laughing a lot and of course playing with Audrey. Kim, Audrey, Amy, and I spent Saturday in Chicago at Lincoln Park Zoo and also at Navy Pier. While both places are free to the public, parking was $50 total! However, we all agreed that for a full day of entertainment, food, and parking in Chicago for under $100 was a pretty good deal for three adults and a baby!

Audrey and the Rhino

The weather could not have been more agreeable, in the low 80’s with a refreshing breeze and intermittent clouds to provide a brief, temporary shade for both the animals and us! Audrey was fascinated by most of the animals, especially the pacing tiger, the seals, and beavers! We enjoyed a nice lunch in the CafĂ©’ and had a chance to see every animal and tour each house on the grounds.

Amy and Audrey outside the Polar Bear Tank

Going Ape for Audrey

Daddy, Audrey, and Bushman (this one's for you, Dad)

Audrey and the Ape

Audrey and the Seal

(From Left) Amy, Kim, Abel, and Audrey at the Zoo

While we were all energized, we decided to drive and park again at Navy Pier rather than take the three mile walk along the lake. It was packed at the Pier, but we went with the flow of the crowd, stopping along the way for ice cream and a little souvenir shopping. We logged over ten miles of walking all in all over the course of the day!

Abel and Amy at the Pier

Abel and Kim enjoying the day at the Pier

Saturday night consisted of Chinese take-out and a thought-provoking movie titles “Donnie Darko”. Very interesting concept about time travel and well-played roles!

Now it is Sunday. Amy left early to get back on the road for her 3+ hour trip back home. I’ve got a little Honey Do list, including hanging shelves, moving around the guest room, and the usual laundry and cleaning. The day is beautiful, so I am sure I’ll squeeze-in a nice long walk with the dog and Audrey! If all goes well, I may even try to catch a bit of the Sox game later tonight against Detroit. One thing is for sure, it has been a nice weekend and it is important to remember our good friends.

Aunt Amy and Audrey


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love all the new pics and the update on Princess Audrey's weekend adventure with her Auntie. GREAT job on keeping us up to date on our favorite 10 month old! Abel, you and Kim are doing a GREAT job on raising this little, beautiful, happy, well rounded little being! Keep up the good work. If you ever need a sitter, let me know! Auntite Therese makes housecalls! T.