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Sunday, September 27, 2009


This weekend was Kim’s birthday, and last weekend Audrey’s. It has been a very special year in the life of our family. We celebrated Audrey’s birthday in South Bend with a wonderful bash with friends and family from the Indiana side. Audrey enjoyed an afternoon chalk full of gifts, hugs, games, and chocolate cake!

We celebrated Kim’s birthday last night with a nice dinner in Lombard at a swank Italian joint by one of the malls. While I have already forgotten the name, the memory of the outstanding brochette will not soon be forgotten.

The fall season is upon us, although not in full flurry, yet. The trees are beginning to exchange their greenery for robes of red and gold. The Canada Geese seem hesitant on the ponds now, not sure of whether to stay or go. A slight chill lurks under the initial warmth of the afternoon breeze now, and thoughts of long sleeves and down vests begin emerge in the back of my mind.

Mom and Audrey at Mom's birthday in South Bend

Audrey enjoying her 1st Birthday Cake

Audrey and Mom at Audrey's 1st Birthday Party...CAKE TIME!!!

Audrey and her new hat from Grandma!

Audrey and Grandma Dixie enjoying bubbles on the front lawn.

Audrey and Aunt Beth taking a walk in the drive.

Audrey's cupcakes

Audrey Ruth Orelove 1 year old!

While I enjoy Fall more than any other season, the warmth of the Summer will linger on my mind until the snow blankets us.

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