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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Where has the Time Gone?

What happened? I really don't want this to become a cob-blog!

The past month has been full of family visiting. My dad arrived and spent the week with us, enjoying lots of laughs and playing with Audrey. It is strange to have ones father say under your own roof. Dad also became quick friends with Phoebe, who enjoyed extra treats and snacks to no end around him.

After the week, Dad traveled to the city and visited friends and family while staying at a couple hotels on Michigan Ave. My sister, Eden, arrived shortly after dad departed. This was her first time meeting Audrey, and she had the opportunity to enjoy a few days taking care of her while I began the school year. Eden is a natural with Audrey, and I hope that she has many more opportunities to visit and take care of her!

Eden left about a week later to travel north to Minnesota for a ballgame with her boyfriend and then eventually flew back to Seattle. However, a day after she left, Kim's mom, Dixie, arrived to care for Audrey for a couple days due to the detail of our child care lady being on vacation! Dixie stayed for a couple days before taking Audrey and Phoebe back to South Bend, leaving Kim and I in a baby/dogless house for the first time in nearly two years! While the cats may have loved it, the quite was almost too quite! It was nice to sleep in a little and just leave for work without any distractions or extra morning chores. We also enjoyed just hanging out and relaxing together. We kept asking eachother, "THIS is how we used to live?!?!?" Very surreal. We missed Audrey (and Phoebe) immensely, and rushed to South Bend immediately after work on Friday to reunite our family.

After a quick weekend in South Bend, we returned home just in time for me to meet my mom at the airport. She arrived from Seattle Sunday evening and has been here since, caring for Audrey while Kim and I work. My mother has relished her time with Audrey to no end. Audrey has also enjoyed this new energy and loves playing all day with her Nana. Lots of making messes and exploring. Audrey has taken her first steps this week, and continues to quickly travel everywhere by merely holding the finger of a nearby adult!

Time is moving too quickly now that summer is over. Grad School is very intense, and I feel that my own time is in high demand between teaching and school and commuting. I miss the simple summer days of walks, snacks, and naps.

My mom leaves Friday evening, and it will be the first time that we have had the house to ourselves for a weekend in over a month! I am so thankful for my family visiting and making such a long trip from all over the country! I will also enjoy a quiet Saturday afternoon with the family!


PS-(Pictures to follow sooner than later!)

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