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Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Weekend in South Bend

We drove to South Bend Friday evening in the grey, spitting rain. It has been over a month since our last visit, and even the dog seemed excited to be returning to “Grandma’s House” for a weekend of love, laughs…and some comfort food!

I finished the first quarter of school Friday. It is difficult to comprehend that 25% of the year is already completed. It will be a bit of a rude awakening next quarter for some students as I push a bit harder and demand a bit more! Oh well, welcome to “Mr. Orelove’s” Class.

We spend a comfortable, snuggly weekend playing games, walking around the house following Audrey, and watching numerous sporting events. We also got to celebrate Grandma Flesher’s birthday with cake, ice cream, and a tightrope of a Notre Dame football game!

Today was especially enjoyable, as the day began grey and miserable, but eventually the sun found its way through the clouds and turned a damp morning into a warm, beautiful fall afternoon. Audrey spent the day outside with grandma running through the leaves, playing with the dogs, and napping. It was difficult to leave today, but we eventually departed with full stomachs and hearts, already thinking about our next visit.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Sunday Afternoon Dozing

A restful weekend was had by all in the Orelove family. Last night we attended a chili cook-off at a friend's house. It was a nice, crisp night with steaming chili and a hot fire to keep all warm.

We all slept-in this Sunday morning, and have been taking it easy since our waking moments. Audrey has had a nap this afternoon, and I just finished a second long walk with the dog a few minutes ago. The changing fall colors are truly everywhere and I am in constant awe of Mother Nature when she puts-on such lavish displays.

Now Audrey sits at the dinner table with me as I work on my budget and finance paper due Tuesday. In the kitchen, Kim is cooking her own chili, inspired from last night. In a couple hours the Bears will play Atlanta and we'll snuggle down for a warm family dinner with football and chili while the fall temperatures drop all around.

How can I concentrate when this cutie pie is across the table?!?

Monday, October 12, 2009

Resting on a Grey Day

Ahhhh, what an enjoyable three-day weekend. Today has been grey, overcast, and gloomy. That, however, did not stop Audrey and Daddy from having an enjoyable time inside playing all over the place. From cooking with blocks to chasing the dog, to a bath and McDonald’s French fries, we’ve had a pretty nice little Columbus day. Here are a couple pictures of Audrey’s pumpkin she picked out.


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Happy October

The baby is asleep after a day of walking in the forest preserve, playing with the dog, lots of snacks, a couple naps, a good book or two, and a splashy bubble bath followed by a warm bottle of milk.

It has been a beautiful transition into fall in Illinois. While the temperature change reminds us to start layering our clothes, the dark reds and browns of the autumn leaves begin to drop to the ground signaling the changing of the season. Less light during the day makes me appreciate it all the more, and I've been desperately trying to take my daughter and dog on walks whenever the temperature is acceptable and the rains are not spitting upon us. Audrey is absolutely fascinated by the Canada Geese that waddle around the man-made ponds in our subdivision. Soon, though, they will have flown to warmer climates, leaving us here to prepare for the impending blankets of snow and ice.

While pumpkins and skeletons find their places in doorways and yards everywhere, we've been savoring our time at home. We haven't traveled to Indiana for almost a month. While It is truly a treat every visit, there is something relaxing about not having to pack and travel for a period of time. My graduate classes have been keeping me up late some nights...although I have officially memorized all the major funding sources for both state and local levels of public education!

Kim works and works and is burying herself in the Twilight book series. While I am not the intended audience of the teenage vampire saga, I am happy to watch Kim devour every drop of the books and allow her mind to wander from her daily work obligations.

Audrey is walking more and more, although turning around and pivoting is still a challenge. She and the dog, Phoebe, are partners in crime at the dinner table, trading bits of pasta and green beans for licks and low-key growls. Audrey has transitioned well into her room and is sleeping through the nights in her crib completely, although we are now struggling with keeping her room at a comfortable level because the drop in temperature really cols her room now that it has the laminate wood flooring that does not retain heat well. A space heater is working for now, but is not a consistent nor permanent solution.

A final thought before I settle-into a movie for the evening:

Today Audrey, Phoebe, and I enjoyed a crisp Fall walk at a nearby forest preserve. Along the way we stopped and talked to a man and his seven children, ranging from teenagers to a six-year-old. They were missionaries and lived in Mexico, but the man was originally from Chicago and loved to take his children here every year or so to witness the changing of the leaves and the Fall season in the Midwest.

After some chatting about my sweet new baby backpack and their travels, we continued our separate ways. I thought about the encounter all day today, just marveling at what a challenge and sometimes struggle raising seven children must be. Ultimately, I felt a sense of happiness and reliefe knowing that there are strong, wonderful people in this world who are excellent role models who can raise happy, healthy children. In this age of reality television, instant news, and internet, where stories of child neglect and awful parents run rampant, it was a powerful experience to witness a beautiful family simply enjoying the company of each other and spending time together strengthening their bonds.