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Sunday, October 25, 2009

A Weekend in South Bend

We drove to South Bend Friday evening in the grey, spitting rain. It has been over a month since our last visit, and even the dog seemed excited to be returning to “Grandma’s House” for a weekend of love, laughs…and some comfort food!

I finished the first quarter of school Friday. It is difficult to comprehend that 25% of the year is already completed. It will be a bit of a rude awakening next quarter for some students as I push a bit harder and demand a bit more! Oh well, welcome to “Mr. Orelove’s” Class.

We spend a comfortable, snuggly weekend playing games, walking around the house following Audrey, and watching numerous sporting events. We also got to celebrate Grandma Flesher’s birthday with cake, ice cream, and a tightrope of a Notre Dame football game!

Today was especially enjoyable, as the day began grey and miserable, but eventually the sun found its way through the clouds and turned a damp morning into a warm, beautiful fall afternoon. Audrey spent the day outside with grandma running through the leaves, playing with the dogs, and napping. It was difficult to leave today, but we eventually departed with full stomachs and hearts, already thinking about our next visit.

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