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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Summer is Here!

It is summer. Although I have three days of school left (only 3 hours remain with my students), the weather and mindset have shifted to warmer times. We are spending the Memorial Day weekend in South Bend. Here are some pictures of our cousin's (Emily) birthday party and Audrey's new water park pool at Grandma's house!


Audrey in her new pool!

Seriously, this pool is huge!

Audrey in her summer flower dress and hat.

Audrey on the Trampoline with her cousin (And birthday girl), Emily.

Bouncing with Aunt Beth!

A video of Audrey in her new water park for the first time. Daddy couldn't help but get into the mix, too!

Friday, May 21, 2010

Rainy Day Friday

Looking Cool in her shades and backwards hat.

It is nearing the last week of school. I am in the process of taking things off the walls, collecting books, etc. It is a bittersweet time for me. I love watching students finish the year as young adults. It is rewarding to recall the year and think about the growth that everyone has shown and all of the social and academic accomplishments of each student. It is also sad to let go and begin the process of starting anew with a fresh crop of young minds. Before that, however, the summer awaits with all of its potential for adventure and relaxation. I am eager to begin my internship and gain some valuable experience as a future administrator. Graduate classes begin again next week for the summer semester. I am nervous about the law class, as it has a reputation for being "dense" and requires a very acute attention to detail, which is the complete opposite skill set of my traditional summertime mindset.

It has been raining on and off for the past few days, sometimes heavy, sometimes drizzly. Audrey has been fighting a cold that refuses to submit to her immune system. The cough is nasty, but does not deter from her happy outlook on life. I have stayed home with her a couple times in the last few weeks. Our "sick days" have been spent napping, snacking, going on walks, and watching the new baby rabbit that has taken-p residence under our air conditioner out back behind our house. She has named it "Hopper".

Spending time with Audrey on a sick day reminds me of my childhood a bit. I can remember times when my dad would bring me orange juice and would sit in a chair reading the paper while I lay in bed reading a book. My mom would take me out of school once a year and we'd play hookie and go to a movie or take a long hike and then get some lunch and spend the rest of the day reading or napping.

This weekend we don't have much planned. Our house is in desperate need of organization and we are going to attempt to straighten the closets and the space under the stairs, so that should keep us occupied for the next few days. If the weather cooperates we will also have the opportunity to get out and walk the subdivision a few times. Life is good in the Orelove household. I look forward to the summer, but am enjoying the last few days of the school year and recognizing all of life's blessings.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Audrey and Sand Castles

Here are some belated pictures from Mother's Day. Audrey, Kim, and Grandma Dixie made sand castles in the neighbor's yard.



Sunday, May 2, 2010

Soggy Sunday

Hello Family and Friends,

I sit typing this blog as the rain drizzles down in South Bend. It has been a strange weekend, as my car's transmission gave out Friday night, and both Audrey and I have been sick with fevers and colds the entire weekend. I am desperately attempting lesson plans and substitute teaching plans for tomorrow while I battle a runny nose and, more importantly, the runny nose of a 19-month-old girl! The weekend has mostly consisted of trips to the kitchen for ice cream or milk to soothe the itchy throat. While it is not the worst thing in the world, it is definitely not the way I intended to spend my weekend.

Fortunately, only a few weeks remain of the school year. It is always a time of mixed emotions because there is so much more that I want to do with my students in terms of their academics and projects. Too often I feel that I am just scratching the surface of their abilities when they move on to the next grade. However, it is also nice to see them advance and prepare for the next batch of young minds. It is a process and I do my best. I am looking forward to the summer with my internship. I believe that being an administrator for part of the summer will open my mind and bring many new and exciting experiences.

It is nice to have Grandma Dixie around to corral Audrey for a while while I recover. Kim attended the annual Vera Bradley massive blowout sales yesterday and returned with quite the bounty. Unfortunately, no new photos to post today. More very soon, though. Back to the salt mines that are lesson planning and runny noses! Happy May!!!
