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Sunday, May 2, 2010

Soggy Sunday

Hello Family and Friends,

I sit typing this blog as the rain drizzles down in South Bend. It has been a strange weekend, as my car's transmission gave out Friday night, and both Audrey and I have been sick with fevers and colds the entire weekend. I am desperately attempting lesson plans and substitute teaching plans for tomorrow while I battle a runny nose and, more importantly, the runny nose of a 19-month-old girl! The weekend has mostly consisted of trips to the kitchen for ice cream or milk to soothe the itchy throat. While it is not the worst thing in the world, it is definitely not the way I intended to spend my weekend.

Fortunately, only a few weeks remain of the school year. It is always a time of mixed emotions because there is so much more that I want to do with my students in terms of their academics and projects. Too often I feel that I am just scratching the surface of their abilities when they move on to the next grade. However, it is also nice to see them advance and prepare for the next batch of young minds. It is a process and I do my best. I am looking forward to the summer with my internship. I believe that being an administrator for part of the summer will open my mind and bring many new and exciting experiences.

It is nice to have Grandma Dixie around to corral Audrey for a while while I recover. Kim attended the annual Vera Bradley massive blowout sales yesterday and returned with quite the bounty. Unfortunately, no new photos to post today. More very soon, though. Back to the salt mines that are lesson planning and runny noses! Happy May!!!


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