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Friday, October 29, 2010

Almost Halloween...Almost November

Who store the cookie from the cookie jar????

The time is moving quickly these days. We have been adjusting to the cooler temperatures in the afternoons and the darkness that is creeping into the evenings earlier and earlier. I guess I don't have much to complain about when I'm talking to my friends in Anchorage and Fairbanks, but that doesn't mean I have to be a fan of Winter's onset!

We are looking forward to Thanksgiving in Virginia with my Aunt Irene and Uncle Fred. This will be my 12th time visiting, and it just seems to get better every year. There is something very special to me about this tradition and I am very pleased to be involving Kim and Audrey in this year's trip!

Audrey opening a birthday gift from Richmond, VA! Also receiving her first pair of EXTRATUFF Boots from Nana in Alaska! Very Alaskan!

Looking at some of the pictures on today's post reminds me of previous years. It is strange how these cyclical patterns are starting to emerge now that I have a child. Sure, I remember many falls past, but the pictures of leaves just brings back images of Audrey as a one-year-old lying in the leaves with the dog!

Audrey and aunt Beth playing in the leaves!

Aunt Beth seems to be a little more into the leaves than Audrey!

Everywhere we go, people tell us to "enjoy" this age and these moments, and I smile and nod because I really am taking every opportunity to do so. I hope this short blog finds everyone in good spirits and cozy company.


Monday, October 11, 2010

A Day in the Park

Today is one of those fall days that feels as if it is taken out of an old childhood memory. The day is hazy, yet full of warmth and happiness. The leaves are turning, and the colors indicate the beginning of colder days.

Things since Audrey's second birthday have been just fine. I have been really concentrating on teaching and figuring out what makes my students learn best. I have also been working on my grad classes. It is nice to know that I will be done in June! While I don't know exactly when I want to enter administration, I can definitely see myself in that position in the future.

Audrey is enjoying all of her birthday gifts. Thank you again to everyone for all of your love and generosity! We have moved all the furniture around our living room to create a larger play space and a more comfortable fit for everything!

I look forward to some nice fall days on the farm in Indiana, as well as our final walks around the neighborhood before the snow starts in. I am also excited about Thanksgiving in Richmond with my family there, but I have quite a few more papers to grade before I can allow myself to entertain thoughts of Turkey and mashed potatoes!

Well, I hope all of you are well in your lives. Here are some videos of Audrey at the park today. It was a nice day to just enjoy some daddy/daughter time and relax around the house on this Columbus day!
