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Thursday, December 30, 2010

End of 2010

I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy 2011. Thank you to all of our friends, family members and coworkers who fill our lives with support, happiness, and love. There is an old saying, "May the best of your past be the worst of your future." I hope this saying stays true with all of you in the upcoming year.

With much love,

The Orelove Family

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Winter Nights and Warm Family Memories

Audrey eating vanilla ice cream at Bruna's Italian restaurant in Little Italy in Chicago. THANKS UNCLE STUART!!!

It has been a while since my last posting. Things have been clipping along in the Orelove household this month. With the approach of the holidays, things at home and work have been at a frenzied pace!

Audrey and Aunt Eden buildin' castles in the guest room!

I am officially done with teaching until 2011! I concluded the last week of school with a nice class party, including hooking up the Nintendo Wii to the projector, so we had a giant screen to play Sports Resort on! Now it is time to rest and spend time with my family and read books and watch movies...and pretty much anything besides teaching!

Audrey at the library with the challenge block

Reading with Nana (aka "Attle")

Speaking of family, my mother and sister have been visiting the past few days. It is nice to see them both and also for them to be able to spend time with Audrey. These past days remind me how important family is and what the holidays are truly about. While we shop and spend money and wrap gifts that are not essential to our lives, I sit and watch my daughter play with her Aunt and Grandmother and think how special these moments are and how much greater they will impact her life than the toy I purchased yesterday.

Baking pretzels in the kitchen with Nana and eating the "Audrey Pretzel" before going out!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

First Snow

Audrey in the front yard in South Bend!

Sitting here while the family is out shopping and playing in the snow. It is really starting to fall. I enjoyed the quiet this morning and the early flakes began to drop from the sky. Everything is blanketed in white. Audrey is ecstatic, already having been outside twice this morning to help daddy shovel and just walk around in her new snow boots. I wish everyone warmth and firm footing this winter!

Watching it snow!

Helping shovel.

Baking cookies in Grandma's kitchen!

Staying warm in the Santa hat!


Schmoo and Aud, let the bubble festival begin!

Our annual Thanksgiving trip to Virginia was another wonderful success! We left after I finished my parent/teacher conferences and drove through the night. Our round trip included passing through several states including Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland, Washington DC (I know it's not a state!), and back to Illinois! About 1,700 miles in all!

While in Virginia, it was an absolute treat to see my Aunt Irene, Uncle Fred, and cousins Emma and Sam! Audrey was the star attraction, of course. Aunt Irene had brought numerous activities from her Sabot School and had an entire corner of the living room dedicated to Audrey recreation! Naturally, they bonded immediately.

I cannot believe how fast Sam and Emma have grown. they are now adults, living their independent lives. I can only hope that Audrey has half of their successes and brilliance and heart.

Thanksgiving itself was magical and delicious as usual! Uncle Fred didn't hold anything back on the meal, and we were all treated to savory dishes, too numerous to count! The next two days were filled with leftovers, a little shopping, and lots of playing and laughter. This annual trip is a staple in my life and it is so special to me to be able to bring my family here to share in these experiences.

Aunt Irene and Audrey reading.

Mmmmmmm, cranberry tarts!

Pumpkin centerpiece

Audrey and Sam blowing bubbles!

More Bubbles!

Audrey and Emma playing in the leaves!

Kim, Audrey, and the Turkey!!!

Audrey, contemplating the leaf pile.

Can I jump in it?

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Happy Hanukah!

With love from the Orelove Family! This menorah is an electric one that my grandfather made and I have many fond memories of my father lighting it on Haunkah nights in Alaska throughout my childhood. Happy Hanukah everyone. May you find the miracles in yourlife.
