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Sunday, December 5, 2010


Schmoo and Aud, let the bubble festival begin!

Our annual Thanksgiving trip to Virginia was another wonderful success! We left after I finished my parent/teacher conferences and drove through the night. Our round trip included passing through several states including Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, West Virginia, Maryland, Washington DC (I know it's not a state!), and back to Illinois! About 1,700 miles in all!

While in Virginia, it was an absolute treat to see my Aunt Irene, Uncle Fred, and cousins Emma and Sam! Audrey was the star attraction, of course. Aunt Irene had brought numerous activities from her Sabot School and had an entire corner of the living room dedicated to Audrey recreation! Naturally, they bonded immediately.

I cannot believe how fast Sam and Emma have grown. they are now adults, living their independent lives. I can only hope that Audrey has half of their successes and brilliance and heart.

Thanksgiving itself was magical and delicious as usual! Uncle Fred didn't hold anything back on the meal, and we were all treated to savory dishes, too numerous to count! The next two days were filled with leftovers, a little shopping, and lots of playing and laughter. This annual trip is a staple in my life and it is so special to me to be able to bring my family here to share in these experiences.

Aunt Irene and Audrey reading.

Mmmmmmm, cranberry tarts!

Pumpkin centerpiece

Audrey and Sam blowing bubbles!

More Bubbles!

Audrey and Emma playing in the leaves!

Kim, Audrey, and the Turkey!!!

Audrey, contemplating the leaf pile.

Can I jump in it?

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