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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Summer Begins

Audrey in the back yard in Indiana after a tornado warning!

Summer is officially here! The last days of school concluded earlier this week, and now I am free to pursue interests other than education and school improvement! The summer season has been ushered-in with high levels of tornado warnings, high temperatures, and muggy mornings. However, last night was highlighted by continuous thunder and lightening and now we wait inside until the rain ceases!

This week has already been full of small, sweet moments of enjoyment. I have been able to visit some friends of my old school district and share some laughs and congratulations on another completed school year. Audrey and I have been finding many things to fill our days with, including trips to the supermarket, book stores, library, pet shop, walks, naps, building blocks, and hide-and-seek. She is beginning to be a big helper in cleaning around the house, asking to assist with dishes or wanting to wipe counter tops and the like.

More updates and such to come as the days progress and Audrey and I fall into daily routine! It is so wonderful to think about all of the time I get to spend being DAD!!!

Audrey and Beth coloring chalk in the driveway at Grandma's House!

Playing in the pool to cool off!

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