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Saturday, June 25, 2011

Summer Evening Ramblings

Audrey pulling her own wagon back home from the park.

Kim and Abel at Sarah's Wedding in Indiana.

The first few weeks of summer have been sweet and simple. There have been days consisting mainly of snacking napping and walks around the neighborhood. Other days are rainy and hold reruns of Disney animations and endless block tower building. I've spent a few in Indiana helping out on the farm or mowing the lawn. It is strange to not be teaching summer school or working on college courses. One day for Audrey and me consisted of driving out to my campus and picking-up my Masters diploma in the admissions office. It currently resides on the book shelf in Audrey's room.

Kim and I recently attended a wedding that was very enjoyable. It was for one of her friends that we both know. While Audrey had a nice time playing with cousins for the evening, it was a pleasure to dance the night away with my wife and friends and family.

The only truly solid nights on my agenda are softball games, which provide for an hour or two of focus and "daddy time", although I prefer Audrey and Kim to play in the park next to the field. Such a suburban life at times.

Next week my step-father, Ted, and his wife, Lisa are visiting to take us to a U2 concert at Soldier Field! WooHoo! More importantly, I am anticipating the opportunity to spend some time together and share lots of laughs and moments with Audrey. It is difficult sometimes to have family so spread out across the country. There are so many small moments that I know I am missing with them, but I think we all understand that life works in ways that we don't completely understand. I think my family knows that everyone has a path and their own decisions to make and that we will all come together when we can and to share and laugh and enjoy the time we do have with each other.

People continue to ask me about possible moves from teaching to school administration now that I have my degree. I am quite content to teach for at least one more year before seriously considering an administrative position. While there are jobs that appeal to me, I find it difficult to imagine leaving my current position in the middle of the summer and move my family on such short notice. However, this next year will be spent building my resume, strengthening my skills, and networking both in Illinois and possibly Indiana.

To end this entry on a very happy note, I am pleased to write that our second child will be a girl! Audrey is excited to have a little sister and we are all looking forward to early November when our second daughter will enter this world. Thank you to everyone for your continued love and support as our family grows little by little!


Audrey and the Lion at Brookfield Zoo

Audrey and Grandma on the carousel at the zoo.

Audrey and Mommy

Ann, Dixie, Audrey, Abel, and Kim in front of the Bison.

Audrey and Daddy in the 'Roo Pouch

Audrey and the Frog I

Audrey and the Frog II

1 comment:

Irene Carney said...

thank you for taking the time to reflect and to share your reflections with all of us in your orbit. Audrey is a unique gift of and to the universe. Now we can contemplate your family with another girl child
I look forward to seeing you and Kim and Audrey this August, and to creating some ritual path in preparation for your next daughter's arrival/ appearance. Have a wonderful, subtly magical summer!